Search results for "ai tasks"

The Impact of the eSIM-only iPhone on the Telecoms Industry - It’s Happening, We’re Shifting to eSIM

While they aren’t the first to do so, Apple’s eSIM-only iPhone announcement is certainly the most significant to date. And as a historical trendsetter among telecoms original equipment manufacturers (OEM), this decision will undoubtedly spark a seismic shift in how service providers (SPs) onboard customers. So how will the Esam shift impact the market? Here, […]

Gaming Laptop Setups Have Way More to Offer

Gaming laptops have come a long way. They are not the bulky, heavy boxes we knew before. Some innovative design choices are refining gaming laptop setups, such as slimmer screens and less imposing weight and chunkiness. Gone are the days of lights coming out of every nook and cranny of the laptop. Gaming laptops nowadays […]

The Xiaomi Scale Up, Samsung Is Losing the Battle

Xiaomi has taken the smartphone world by storm. With an attractive line-up of cheap but jampacked with-specs phones. They seem like they will dethrone the big players, and maybe they already did. Samsung is facing its most brutal battle yet, and its scariest rival. Xiaomi is not here to participate in the mobile phone fight. […]

The Three As: A Telco’s Best Investment

Automation, Analytics and AI For a service provider (SP) to compete in an increasingly competitive market, it must invest in three categories. It’s well understood that analytics, AI and automation, the three As, will pave the way for any telco looking to futureproof its operations. But how can SPs make sure their investment is worthwhile? […]

Countries Using 7G Network Technology Today

Globally, the 7G Network provides a faster means of communication. A 7G network is the quickest way to make a call, whether it is local or international. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), or 7G, requires access to all local and international telecommunications. Additionally, all of its clients trust the 7G Network since it gives them […]

iOS 16: Apple's Fixer Upper 

Owned by Apple, Apple iOS is a mobile operating system that runs on iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. Since its inception in 2017, Apple has provided regular updates that introduced new features. The most recent software, iOS 16, was brought to consumers in September of 2022. This update, however, was not without issues. The programmers […]

The Chronicles of Healthcare Alternative Systems

The COVID-19 pandemic gave the world a lot to think about. The world stopped in its tracks. Everything halted. People remained at home, trying to stay safe. While the world bunkered down, one sector was busier than ever. The healthcare sector did not have the option of stopping everything to process the pandemic. Humanity needed […]

Ericsson MEA - Accelerating MEA's Digital Transformation Through 5G

Multinational telecommunications company Ericsson has always been at the forefront of pioneering the journey to a more promising connected future. In the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region, the mogul is setting the needed foundation for fueling mobile connectivity across the region. Ericsson MEA President, Mr. Fadi Pharaon shares his insights with Inside Telecom on […]

IoT Smart Home Applications

The further technology goes, the deeper it sinks into your home. The IoT (Internet of Things) smart home applications automate everything in your house, from lighting to locks. The first proper home automation device, ECHO IV, was invented in 1966 by Westinghouse engineer Jim Sutherland and It was all uphill from there. IoT Smart Home […]

Which of the Following Statement Is Wrong About Amazon S3?

Amazon Simple Storage Service, S3, is a cloud object storage service offering world-class services. Data availability, security, and performance. Companies from various scales can use Amazon S3 to store and keep their data safe. Amazon S3 offers management features allowing you to optimize and organize your data. Many myths have been formulated, so which of […]