Search results for "ai systems"

Gig economy shifts: Spain makes delivery riders employees

The Spanish government on Thursday announced legislation that classifies food delivery riders as employees of the digital platforms they work for, not self-employed, in a legal change that could have far-reaching consequences for Spanish businesses. The legislation also includes a groundbreaking requirement for companies operating the platforms, such as Glovo and Deliveroo, to hand over […]

At Dubai airport, travelers' eyes become their passports

Dubai’s airport, the world’s busiest for international travel, can already feel surreal, with its cavernous duty-free stores, artificial palm trees, gleaming terminals, water cascades and near-Arctic levels of air conditioning. Now, the key east-west transit hub is rolling out another addition from the realm of science fiction — an iris-scanner that verifies one’s identity and […]

AI panel urges US to boost tech skills amid China's rise

An artificial intelligence commission led by former Google CEO Eric Schmidt is urging the U.S. to boost its AI skills to counter China, including by pursuing “AI-enabled” weapons – something that Google itself has shied away from on ethical grounds. Schmidt and current executives from Google, Microsoft, Oracle and Amazon are among the 15 members […]

New submarine network cable systems launched by Ocean Networks

U.S.-based Ocean Networks (ONI) – which develops submarine network cable systems for governments – announced on Thursday the launch of Caribbean Express (CX) Project, an 18-fiber pair submarine cable system linking West Palm Beach Florida to Panama reaching all the way to Mexico and Colombia. According to the company, the CX system will use space […]

In Nevada desert, a technology firm aims to be a government

In the Nevada desert, a cryptocurrency magnate hopes to turn dreams of a futuristic “smart city” into reality. To do that, he’s asking the state to let companies like his form local governments on land they own, which would grant them power over everything from schools to law enforcement. Jeffrey Berns, CEO of Nevada-based Blockchains […]

Personal finance robots gain people’s trust, survey finds

Thus far, a cinematic horror-show of wealth-destroying, dysfunctional robots, is not quite a reality – or at least not yet.  It seems people, or rather banking service consumers, trust personal finance robots more than themselves to manage their money, according to a new study by Oracle and personal finance expert Faroosh Torabi, and host of the “So Money” podcast. The study of more than 9,000 consumers […]

Russian hack of US agencies exposed supply chain weaknesses

The elite Russian hackers who gained access to computer systems of federal agencies last year didn’t bother trying to break one by one into the networks of each department. Instead, they got inside by sneaking malicious code into a software update pushed out to thousands of government agencies and private companies. It wasn’t surprising that […]

UK Hospitals Explore Blockchain Tech Remedies

With tech putting its best foot forward when it comes to battling the pandemic, the fight for widespread vaccination is another battlefront that has also commenced and is in it’s prime right now. For the battle of widespread immunizations, U.K. National Health Services (NHS) have taped blockchain tech as part of their arsenal against COVID-19. […]

AI to shape telecom investments in 2021

As the world came to a screeching halt due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, the tech world adopted a full steam ahead approach This has rapidly pushed technological advancements to the forefront. Everything from augmented reality (AR), Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), 5G, and the like were propelled forward and began integration within […]

Human-reliant AI: A shield against the pandemic

As the pandemic stretched out and engulfed the globe, countries harnessed technology to the best of their abilities to aid in the fight against the virus and to keep us safe. Artificial intelligence (AI) is among the most useful of these emerging technologies, but without the human ingenuity and adaptive intelligence, these tools cannot be […]