Search results for "5G technology"

Nvidia’s Plans for Sales to Huawei Imperiled if U.S. Tightens Huawei Curbs - Draft

U.S. chipmaker Nvidia Corp’s plans to sell technology to China’s Huawei would be thwarted if the U.S. government proceeds with a proposal to further restrict shipments to the blacklisted company, a draft report by a government contractor shows. The Biden administration has been considering limiting the items it authorizes U.S. companies to ship to telecoms […]

China to Double Down on Push to Be Self-Reliant in Tech, Premier Says

China’s science and technology policies should aim to build its strength and self-reliance, while the role of the government in pooling resources for key technological breakthroughs needed to be leveraged better, Premier Li Keqiang said on Sunday. The nation effectively countered external attempts to suppress and contain China’s development over the past five years by […]

Comium Will Be the Last Operator to Increase Prices

Comium, managed by Monty Mobile, believes providing exceptional customer experience is the key winning factor to being a leader in the market. This will be achieved through premium quality service, extended 4G+ coverage, and 24-hour client support. Comium’s vision is not to go on price wars, as it would jeopardize the quality of the offering […]

Why Is Comium Offering 4G Data Service Free of Charge?

Comium is currently offering 4G+ network data to their subscribers FREE OF CHARGE, because they are still in the testing phase. The management of Comium understands that the subscribers might face some issues during the trial period, and hence expects comments and feedback from their customers in order to enhance the network and offer the […]

e& Receives Brand Finance Awards During Mobile World Congress in Barcelona

Barcelona, 2 March 2023: e& today received the Brand Finance Telecoms 150 2023 award as the most valuable portfolio of telecom brands in the Middle East and Africa. e& has undergone a significant transformation, resulting in remarkable business growth and sustained stakeholder confidence. The transformation into a global technology and investment group has seen e&’s […]

Biden Admin Grilled over $23 Billion in Licenses for Blacklisted Chinese Firms

The Biden administration approved more than $23 billion worth of licenses for companies to ship U.S. goods and technology to blacklisted Chinese companies in the first quarter of 2022, a Republican lawmaker said on Tuesday. The data comes amid growing pressure on the administration of Democratic President Joe Biden to further expand a broad crackdown […]

Demystifying China

Ah, the charms of the legacy western propaganda machine. Generations of us are indoctrinated with the insidious, perfidious nature of China’s goal of world domination. Hmmm, it would be nice if we just embraced the truth of what China can offer the world rather than being forced into a mindset about which another economy suffers […]

Nokia Changes Iconic Logo to Signal Strategy Shift

Nokia announced plans on Sunday to change its brand identity for the first time in nearly 60 years, complete with a new logo, as the telecom equipment maker focuses on aggressive growth. The new logo comprises five different shapes forming the word NOKIA. The iconic blue color of the old logo has been dropped for […]

2023: The Year Transformation Spreads Its Wings

2022 has been an interesting year, to say the least. And as life settled into the new normal, technological innovations became exponentially more important in our daily lives. 2022 was a hallmark year in technology-based industries, from the 5G rollout to artificial intelligence (AI) popularization. And 2023 is promising to be just as, if not […]