Search results for "insta"

The New “Apps by Apple” Promoting the Store of Apple

In June, Apple launched its Apps by Apple website to promote its own apps, featuring six categories, and to differentiate them from third-party apps. The website features a collection of Apple’s homegrown apps, including Photos, Maps, Messages, and Notes. The apps are organized into six categories: Communication, Creative, Productivity, Explore, Fitness, and Games. The new […]

Social Media is now the Weapon of Choice in Ukraine War

“The first casualty of war is the truth.” This was first uttered by Aeschylus, a Greek playwright,  2,500 years ago. The notion of this axiom has now entered the digital domain. And social media is the weapon of choice.  The BBC has reported that X (formerly known as Twitter), Facebook, Instagram and Telegram have failed […]

Selling the Banking… bits and pieces. 

In the previous article. In a seismically changing landscape, and in order to maintain their relevance within an ever-evolving financial ecosystem, banks have been compelled to ride the wind of change. They have come to acknowledge the emergence of Fintech and other financial services vendors as pivotal players in the customer’s banking journey. Simultaneously, they have […]