Search results for "ai systems"

Italy's Ban on ChatGPT: Privacy Concerns or Geopolitical Factors?

Italy’s recent move to ban ChatGPT, a popular chatbot powered by artificial intelligence (AI) developed by Open AI, has sparked a heated debate among European regulators. While some argue that Italy’s ban is driven by concerns over data privacy and compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), others suspect geopolitical factors are at play. […]

Italy’s ChatGPT Ban Attracts EU Privacy Regulators

Italy’s move to temporarily ban ChatGPT has inspired other European countries to study if harsher measures are needed to rein in the wildly popular chatbots and whether to coordinate such actions. While European parliamentarians disagree over the content and reach of the EU AI Act, some regulators are finding that existing tools, such as the […]

Italian Minister Says Country’s Ban on ChatGPT Is Excessive

Italy’s deputy prime minister on Sunday criticised a decision by the government’s Data Protection Authority to temporarily ban chatbot ChatGPT, saying the block over privacy concerns seemed excessive. Microsoft-backed OpenAI took ChatGPT offline in Italy on Friday after the national data agency raised concerns over possible privacy violations and for failing to verify that users […]

Italy curbs ChatGPT, starts probe over privacy concerns

OpenAI has taken ChatGPT offline in Italy after the government’s Data Protection Authority on Friday temporarily banned the chatbot and launched a probe over the artificial intelligence application’s suspected breach of privacy rules. The agency, also known as Garante, accused Microsoft-backed OpenAI of failing to check the age of ChatGPT’s users who are supposed to […]

Europol Sounds Alarm about Criminal Use of ChatGPT, Sees Grim Outlook

EU police force Europol on Monday warned about the potential misuse of artificial intelligence-powered chatbot ChatGPT in phishing attempts, disinformation and cybercrime, adding to the chorus of concerns ranging from legal to ethical issues. Since its release last year, Microsoft-backed OpenAI’s ChatGPT has set off a tech craze, prompting rivals to launch similar products and […]

As ChatGPT's Popularity Explodes, U.S. Lawmakers Take an Interest

ChatGPT, a fast-growing artificial intelligence program, has drawn praise for its ability to write answers quickly to a wide range of queries, and attracted U.S. lawmakers’ attention with questions about its impact on national security and education. ChatGPT was estimated to have reached 100 million monthly active users just two months after launch, making it […]

Can Artificial Intelligence Become a Threat?

We’ve all been warned of its detrimental effect on societies, intelligence, and even humanity as a whole. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has existed since the emergence of computing power, and with it – throughout the years – came the ultimate hypothesis, can artificial intelligence become a threat to humanity? Will intellectually advanced AI systems inevitably detach […]

In Africa, rescuing the languages that Western tech ignores

Computers have become amazingly precise at translating spoken words to text messages and scouring huge troves of information for answers to complex questions. At least, that is, so long as you speak English or another of the world’s dominant languages. But try talking to your phone in Yoruba, Igbo or any number of widely spoken […]