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FCC to mull cellphone blocking options for state prisons

Federal regulators are considering allowing state prisons across the country more technological options to combat contraband cellphones, which prison officials have long said represent the greatest security threat behind bars. The Federal Communications Commission plans Tuesday to discuss “taking steps to combat contraband wireless devices in correctional facilities,” according to an online meeting agenda that […]

China fines internet giants in anti-monopoly cases

Companies including internet giants Alibaba and Tencent were fined Wednesday by anti-monopoly regulators in a new move to tighten control over their fast-developing industries. In 22 cases, companies were fined 500,000 yuan ($75,000) each for actions including acquiring stakes in other companies that might improperly increase their market power, the State Administration for Market Regulation […]

Alleged Russian Security Breach on Republican GOP System

In a series of endless attacks on the U.S. and its allies’ infrastructures, a wave of Russian government-associated hacks and ransomware attacks have been reoccurring, and now another security breach has been identified on third-party provider Synnex. Following their previous attack on SolarWinds, the Russian group known as Cozy Bear, backed by the Russian government […]

CodeFlare: An open-source framework for machine learning

IBM introduced on Wednesday its latest open-source serverless framework, with the solemn purpose of simplifying integration and efficient scaling of big data and artificial intelligence (AI) workflows into its hybrid cloud. IBM’s recent technology, CodeFlare, is designed at the rank of a promising open-source distributed computing framework for machine learning (ML) applications commonly referred to […]

Telenor sells off Myanmar operations to Lebanese investment firm

Facing extreme pressure from Myanmar’s Junta, Norwegian operator Telenor has sold it’s operations within the country to Lebanese investment firm M1 Group for $105 million, the company said in a statement on Thursday.   “Telenor Group has entered into an agreement to sell 100 percent of its mobile operations in Myanmar to M1 Group for a total consideration of $105 million, of which $55 […]

Chinese social media giant WeChat shuts LGBT accounts

China’s most popular social media service has deleted accounts on LGBT topics run by university students and nongovernment groups, prompting concern the ruling Communist Party is tightening control over gay and lesbian content. WeChat sent account holders a notice they violated rules but gave no details, according to the founder of an LGBT group, who […]

Zain Bahrain, Ericsson to deploy advanced 5G in the Kingdom

Gulf countries are taking their digital 2030 vision to the next level, as Zain Bahrain chose earlier this week with Swedish telecoms vendor Ericsson to expand its 4G and 5G coverage and introduce 5G low-band and mid-band carrier aggregation. As the Swedish company deploys its 5G carrier aggregation service, Zain Bahrain will be able to […]

Trump files suit against Facebook, Twitter and YouTube

Former President Donald Trump has filed a suit against three of the country’s biggest tech companies, claiming he and other conservatives have been wrongfully censored. But legal experts say the suits are likely doomed to fail, given existing precedent and legal protections. Trump announced the action against Facebook, Twitter and Google’s YouTube, along with the […]

Dozens of states target Google's app store in antitrust suit

Dozens of states are taking aim at Google in an escalating legal offensive on Big Tech. This time, attorneys general for 36 states and the District of Columbia have filed a lawsuit targeting Google’s Play store, where consumers download apps designed for the Android software that powers most of the world’s smartphones. The 144-page complaint […]

The subtle rise of a China, U.S. tech cold war

Stakes have been mounting between two of the world’s major superpowers; however, the matter has shied away from ideologies and nuclear weapons and has moved matters into a realm etched into the very fabric of our everyday life: technology. Noticeably everything sharply ignited by former U.S. president Donald Trump’s blacklisting of Chinese tech titan Huawei […]