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Amid pandemic and other factors, global vaccine market to hit over $43 billion by 2027

The global vaccine, storage, and packaging market size in anticipated to hit $43.3 billion by 2027 and a 10 percent growth rate during over the forecast period, 2020 to 2027, according to market intelligence firm Million Insights. The rising number of investments undertaken by biopharmaceutical companies and healthcare institutions to carry out R&D is projected […]

Why the pandemic left long-term scars on global job market

Esther Montanez’s housecleaning job at the Hilton Back Bay in Boston was a lifeline for her, a 31-year-old single mother with a 5-year-old son. The pay was steady and solid — enough to pay her bills and still have money left over to sock away savings for her child. But when the pandemic slammed the […]

Huawei tops the global telecoms kit market, despite all odds

Despite all odds, Huawei has increased its market share as the top telecoms equipment vendor worldwide, mainly due to strong demand within mainland China through all of 2020, a recent report stated on Monday. According to a report by U.S.-based telecom insights company Dell’Oro Group, the Chinese vendor’s share by revenue rose by 28 percent […]

FireEye CEO: Reckless Microsoft hack unusual for China

Cyber sleuths have already blamed China for a hack that exposed tens of thousands of servers running its Exchange email program to potential hacks. The CEO of a prominent cybersecurity firm says it now seems clear China also unleashed an indiscriminate, automated second wave of hacking that opened the way for ransomware and other cyberattacks. […]

WHO head wants virus vaccine patents waived to boost supply

The head of the World Health Organization called Friday for patent rights to be waived until the end of the coronavirus pandemic so that vaccine supplies can be dramatically increased, saying these “unprecedented times” warrant the move. At a press briefing, WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said countries with their own vaccine capacity should “start […]

At Dubai airport, travelers' eyes become their passports

Dubai’s airport, the world’s busiest for international travel, can already feel surreal, with its cavernous duty-free stores, artificial palm trees, gleaming terminals, water cascades and near-Arctic levels of air conditioning. Now, the key east-west transit hub is rolling out another addition from the realm of science fiction — an iris-scanner that verifies one’s identity and […]

CompTIA report shows strong growth for IT employment

Job openings in emerging technologies or positions requiring emerging tech skills increased significantly in the last month.  A CompTIA analysis, the non-profit association for the IT industry and workforce, showed positive momentum for IT employment in the U.S. in February, with key indicators pointing to strong current and future employer demand for tech talent. According […]