Search results for "COVID-19 "

New MedTech innovation allows tumors to eliminate themselves

MedTech seems to be reaching a new stride everyday as investments into the sector pour in at an accelerated rate, mainly due to the on-going global health crisis. As such, a new technology has been developed by the University of Zurich (UZH), where researchers have successfully achieved innovation that allows the body to produce therapeutic […]

eLearning market set to reach $370 bn by 2026

eLearning has been the champion of education since the COVID-19 pandemic spread like wildfire and brought everyday life indoors. As dependence on remote learning heavily grew throughout 2020, online education is set to continue its growth in a post-pandemic world, skyrocketing the eLearning market into new heights. According to a new report by Valuates Reports, […]

Telemedicine to save healthcare industry $21 billion by 2025

It is without a shadow of a doubt that telemedicine was the champion of the health technology sector during the pandemic, allowing patients the ability to receive consultations and treatments by their doctors without the need for in-person appointments. The COVID-19 pandemic brought with it a tidal wave of technological acceleration across all forms of […]

Panel suggests WHO should have more power to stop pandemics

A panel of independent experts who reviewed the World Health Organization’s response to the coronavirus pandemic says the U.N. health agency should be granted “guaranteed rights of access” in countries to investigate emerging outbreaks, a contentious idea that would give it more powers and require member states to give up some of theirs. In a […]

Telco revenues to witness slow recovery in 2021, IDC reports

Telcos have evolved from merely supplying their customers with telephony or broadband services, but also look to provide a setlist of Internet-based services such Pay TV. While this offering has brought providers with new sources of revenue, during 2020, these services slumped with telco revenues totaling $1.53 trillion in 2020, representing flat year-over-year growth, according […]

2 on trial as China enforces online control amid pandemic

Two amateur computer coders taken by police from their Beijing homes last year were standing trial Tuesday in a case that illustrates the Chinese government’s growing online censorship and heightened sensitivity to any deviation from the official narrative on its COVID-19 response. Authorities have not said specifically why Chen Mei, 28, and Cai Wei, 27, […]

Vaccine maker BioNTech says no need to waive patents

The head of German pharmaceutical company BioNTech said Monday that there is no need to waive patents on coronavirus vaccines because manufacturers will be able to produce enough shots to supply the world over the coming year. Ugur Sahin, the chief executive of BioNTech, rejected the U.S.-backed proposal to temporarily lift some intellectual property rights […]

EU leaders attend summit in person for 1st time this year

On the list of things not to do during a pandemic, holding big international gatherings is close to the top. But European Union leaders and their large following of diplomats and advisers are meeting in Portugal on Friday for two days of talks, sending a signal that they see the threat from COVID-19 on their […]