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Selling the Banking… bits and pieces. 

In the previous article. In a seismically changing landscape, and in order to maintain their relevance within an ever-evolving financial ecosystem, banks have been compelled to ride the wind of change. They have come to acknowledge the emergence of Fintech and other financial services vendors as pivotal players in the customer’s banking journey. Simultaneously, they have […]

X Moves in on LinkedIn’s Turf

X, formerly known as Twitter, is to collect users’ biometric data which includes education and job history. In its quest to become the ‘everything’ app, moving in on LinkedIn’s turf is the first step. And it’sgoing to make it so much more than just a first contact point between prospect and employer. Both parties will […]

Chandrayaan-3 Discovers Colony Building Blocks

This is like the gift that keeps on giving. India’s lunar mission, achieved on a shoestring budget, has found traces of sulphur, aluminum, iron, chromium, titanium, manganese, silicon and oxygen. These are the building blocks of future colonization. It means that these materials will not need to be transported from Earth at vast cost. It […]