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Business Growth
Cultivating a resilient workforce culture is a strategic imperative for companies seeking to survive and thrive in challenging environments. A resilient workforce can prepare your employees to face many challenges. The recent pandemic highlighted the importance of resilience. The current state of the economic world enhances individual resilience and allows them to navigate the challenges […]
The giant corporations that now dominate our attention weren’t always the juggernauts you see today. They were once small businesses hoping to find the right opportunity to break through. The success stories of many small businesses becoming huge enterprises can teach us many things and inspire us to not view the size of the companies with […]
As you are all too aware, the recession and recent world events have hit the global economy hard. Suppliers, manufacturers, and retailers have been thrown into disarray by the collapse or near collapse of their ecosystems. Small and micro businesses are the perfect candidates to fill the vacuum and return the economy to a robust […]
Companies compete for both market share and consumer attention in the tech business, which is highly competitive and fast developing. They frequently engage in trademark wars to obtain a distinct brand to stand out. Securing these trademarks laws, however, can result in legal fights ranging from petty arguments over similar-sounding names to huge skirmishes between […]
Startup founders put in long hours to establish their companies. They frequently invest large efforts in developing the appropriate business name, acquiring a domain, creating a brand, and beginning public marketing of a product. However, many people fail to take the essential actions to safeguard their time and money by registering and enforcing their trademarks. […]
Goldman Sachs Group Inc lost $3.03 billion in nearly three years on its platform solutions business that houses transaction banking, credit card and financial technology businesses. This is the first time that Goldman has given a detailed look into the financials for the consumer and fintech arms that were intended to diversify the Wall Street […]
Digital transformation has become one of the most important trends in the corporate world. The most successful companies in today’s digital world are those that develop a comprehensive digital strategy and are prepared to make the changes necessary to realize their goals. So, why is digital transformation essential for business growth? Businesses realize the importance of […]