Business Opportunities

Trademark Laws: Enough Protection?

Companies compete for both market share and consumer attention in the tech business, which is highly competitive and fast developing. They frequently engage in trademark wars to obtain a distinct brand to stand out. Securing these trademarks laws, however, can result in legal fights ranging from petty arguments over similar-sounding names to huge skirmishes between […]

Trademarks Are Startups’ Best Friend

Startup founders put in long hours to establish their companies. They frequently invest large efforts in developing the appropriate business name, acquiring a domain, creating a brand, and beginning public marketing of a product. However, many people fail to take the essential actions to safeguard their time and money by registering and enforcing their trademarks. […]

The Duality of AI: Risks and Rewards

The duality of AI presents risks and rewards, and understanding how it fits into workflows is key to making informed decisions about its implementation. Everything under the sun is simultaneously good and bad, it all comes down to how we, arguably the only creatures capable of cognitive thinking, use it. And generative AI is not […]