
Stressing Less – how tech is transforming mental health.

In today’s intense digital world, it’s easy to feel anxious, stressed out and mentally tired in an environment of hyper-connectivity with exposure to a constant influx of information – always available at our fingertips. We all have our daily worries and if you’re not worried about a downturn in the economy, then perhaps you’re stressed […]

WHO working with Google to combat virus misinformation

By JAMEY KEATEN Associated Press GENEVA (AP) — The World Health Organization is working with Google to ensure that people get facts from WHO first when they search for information about the new virus that recently emerged in China. Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told the opening of WHO’s executive board meeting on Monday that social […]

Facebook fights spread of misinformation about virus online

By DAVID KLEPPER The Associated Press Facebook says it’s working to limit the spread of misinformation and potentially harmful content about the coronavirus as bogus claims about the ongoing outbreak circulate online. Kang-Xing Jin, Facebook’s head of health, announced that the social media platform will begin removing posts that include false claims or conspiracy theories […]