IoT, Digital Twin Technology, and the Metaverse

Ever since their first appearance in 1989, Internet-of-Things (IoT) systems have wormed themselves into the next centuries of innovations, from intelligent toasters to robotic butlers. And while they heavily rely on cloud computing, they managed to make data the new oil of the digital age. As a result, we have witnessed the implementation of IoT […]

Telecom Digital Transformation – Journey from (CSP to DSP) Communication to Digital service provider

What is a digital transformation and why is digital transformation necessary for Telecommunication Industry? A digital transformation is the process of using digital technologies to create new or improved processes, products, or services, add/transform more offerings, improve time to market, expand customer services and experience, vary marketing strategy, reduce CAPEX and OPEX, tap more sources […]

IoT Allowing a More Sustainable Tomorrow

The potential of IoT in enhancing sustainable energy management is growing. The way in which IoT can enable businesses and individuals to optimize energy is supported by real-time data on energy utilization and predictive maintenance.  _____________________  The Internet of Things (IoT) has rapidly established itself as a vital tool for businesses and consumers, enabling the […]