WhatsApp has added a major feature to its most recent Windows beta version that enables users to start conversations with unknown contacts without adding their phone numbers to their address book. This move is intended to improve user convenience and privacy when messaging. The chat app is reportedly testing this feature on Windows with a […]
Social media and modern war: From TikTok to Meta, an inside look at social media's influence on global events in real time.
Continued attempts by Meta to steer us toward an unfinished future seem to be failing, and this time, it's with an AI sticker tool.
Is Meta depriving us of the little joys in life, I think it is with its AI generated avatars. Meta introduced characters on Wednesday.
Hear me, hear me, as I bring great news to application dependent users. Instagram has released a new feature, 'Appointments on Instagram'
Prominent writers filed a lawsuit against Meta, alleging that it misappropriated their literary books and works to train its AI, LlaMa.
On September 5th, Meta announced that it would be deleting the Facebook News tab in the UK, France, and Germany in early December. Meta’s move towards deprecation is driven by several factors. According to the company, “News makes up less than 3% of what people around the world see in their Facebook feed.” This implies […]
“The first casualty of war is the truth.” This was first uttered by Aeschylus, a Greek playwright, 2,500 years ago. The notion of this axiom has now entered the digital domain. And social media is the weapon of choice. The BBC has reported that X (formerly known as Twitter), Facebook, Instagram and Telegram have failed […]
The voices advocating for women's reproductive health are speaking up, aiming to volacalize their concerns against Meta's algortihm.
Canada urges Meta to lift its latest news ban on Facebook and Instagram hindering crucial Canadian wildfires information sharing.