Smart Technology

Smart Meters: Energy, Gas, and Water Sustainability

More homes and businesses are converting to smart meters as consumers become more aware of their power bills, especially during a period of rising expenses. You can manage your gas and electricity usage with the help of these wirelessly linked gadgets, and the information is also shared with your energy supplier. In this article, we’ll […]

Disruptive Innovation in the Energy Sector

Disruptive technologies emerged in the energy sectors, rapidly changing the global energy landscape. A technology that creates new business models disrupting the traditional one is referred to as a disruptive technology, as per Clayton Christensen, the man behind the naming. Such disruptive innovation in the energy sector can spark a revolution in technological capabilities, digital […]

IoT Device Monitoring: Discover, Manage, and Monitor

Discovering, assessing, monitoring, and managing your connected devices is the process of monitoring your Internet of Things (IoT) inventory. IoT asset monitoring keeps you aware of any problems that may be influencing the functionalities of critical apps and services.  The speed at which modern businesses incorporate IoT devices into their IT strategy is astounding. By […]