Apple rolled out new features on Thursday, aimed at identifying and reporting child sex abuse material (CSAM) on its platforms. However, the tech giant isn’t receiving the kind of response it expected. The new tools will be introduced with the release of the iOS 15, iPadOS 15, WatchOS 8 and MacOS Monterey software updates. The […]
Twitter co-founder and CEO Jack Dorsey, took to his personal account to tweet a cryptic message about Bitcoin, suggesting that the cryptocurrency will be behind the unity of the country, and eventually the world itself. Vagueness shrouds Dorsey’s optimism about Bitcoin’s power leaving many of his followers bewildered of his stance. However, it doesn’t take two to figure out that the country in […]
Google Maps introduced a new feature alerting drivers before they enter a low-emission zone with fees or fines, the company said in a blog post. The application aims to help drivers in detecting these areas beforehand, as it is not clear where these zones begin. During this stage, the navigation app will begin rolling out this feature to drivers across Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, London, and Paris. Currently, London’s Ultra […]
It’s common sense by now that the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic had a hand in increasing the hours people spent glued to the blue hue of their digital devices. However, we now have the exact numbers on how high the surge was for Britons’ households. Thanks to research from the UK’s media regulator Ofcom, Britons are currently aware that they spent a third of their waking hours (more than 2,000 hours) watching TV or online […]
Facebook unveiled on Wednesday its redesigned setting page enabling Android, iOS, mobile web, and FB Lite users to find tools in a simplified way. “Whether it’s managing the ads people see, adjusting sharing settings, or curating an audience for posts, people shouldn’t have to think too hard about where to start,” said Facebook in a blog post. The Big […]
Michael Andretti has a 21-year-old son with zero interest in obtaining a driver’s license. Rideshare apps get him where he wants to go. In New Jersey, the 16-year-old daughter of a local short track racer took a five-minute driving lesson on a golf cart through their yard before turning over the keys. “That’s it, I’m […]
The future belongs to those who seize it in the present, and the global race for better, faster, and more reliable connectivity that underpins modern society is no different. Even as Wi-Fi 6 began its commercial availability around 2019, work has already been underway to bring next gen WiFi into reality to accommodate our increasing […]
Google is officially producing its first flagship phone, and they’re competing with the best of the best. The tech giant put the word out on its next generation of premium smartphones on Monday, departing away from its usual mid-range phones. The Verge sat down with Google’s Rick Osterloh, senior vice president of devices and services, admitted that the search giant did not have what it […]
Zoom will pay $85 million to settle a lawsuit alleging that weak privacy controls opened too many peepholes into the personal information of users and that it was too easy for outsiders to disrupt video meetings during the early stages of the pandemic. The proposed agreement must still be approved by U.S. District Judge Lucy […]
The Jamaican sprinter and her Olympic-record time captured everyone’s attention. What’s under foot, though, might have been a factor when Elaine Thompson-Herah broke a 33-year-old Olympic record in the women’s 100 meters. It’s shaping up as a fast track surface at Olympic Stadium. Runners are certainly on track to setting personal, Olympic and possibly even […]