Sacre bleu! The French have all but banned the iPhone 12 because the radiation it, um, radiates is an intolerable .7 watts over the EU standard of 4 watts. Electromagnetic radiation is measured in wattage absorbed by every kilogram of human. Anyway, 4.7 watts is the amount of radiation absorbed by the body when using […]
We’ve now been treated to the same scene fifteen times. The interminable queue outside New York’s Apple store every time there’s an iPhone launch. It’s such a powerful component of Apple’s brand identity that competitor Samsung even launched an attack on it when advertising their own Galaxy model. Unfortunately for them it merely reinforced why […]
9/11 Remembered “Holy s***, John! Some maniac just flew his plane into the World Trade Center.” This was the first of a few voice messages I received from an American woman on that awful September day twenty two years ago today. Two messages later, there was no outrage or confusion in her voice. All I […]
Google’s Privacy Sandbox hit Chrome browser, while it's facing scrutiny from lawmakers about its practices and data security compliance.
The G20. If you compare it to, let’s say G7 or BRICS, it’s like bringing a hand grenade to a pillow fight. It is the alpha and the omega of geopolitical shindigs. And the party this group is holding right now? It’s probably the most confrontational, uncompromising blast wave-inducing get-together in years. The story so […]
TikTok Shop recently made its debut in the U.S., sparking concerns over data privacy and other ethical problems.
Naval superiority is measured in tonnage. Even in the days of the Royal Navy versus the Spanish Armada, the total weight of all ships would be the first piece of important strategic intelligence to the enemy. Just two years ago, it was reported that the Chinese Navy boasted 2.4 million tonnes of water-cleaving muscle. To […]
President Biden's strategic efforts have yielded unexpected successes, especially when it comes to advanced semiconductor industry.
X, formerly known as Twitter, is to collect users’ biometric data which includes education and job history. In its quest to become the ‘everything’ app, moving in on LinkedIn’s turf is the first step. And it’sgoing to make it so much more than just a first contact point between prospect and employer. Both parties will […]
Now in war news. the Pentagon revealed its new "Replicator" program, designed to counter China's rapid military progress.