The Apple Mac at 40. Then and Now

On the 24th of January 1984, Steve Jobs changed our world with the Apple Macintosh. Let us all celebrate the 40th anniversary of Mac.

On the 24th of January 1984, Steve Jobs changed our world with the release of the Apple Macintosh. Let us all celebrate the 40th anniversary of Mac. The person behind the idea of the Macintosh was an Apple employee called Jef Raskin. He came up with the idea in the 1970s. Raskin’s idea was to build an affordable and easy to use computer for the average user.

Apple Macintosh

Although the Apple Macintosh was introduced in 1983, it was launched to the world in 1984. The first Apple Macintosh was a 128K personal computer that only included applications. The computer’s applications were made for design, and they were called MacWrite and MacPaint.

The first Mac was designed by Burrell Smith. It used up to 64 kilobytes (KB) of RAM. The microprocessor that was used was a Motorola 6809E which had a capacity of supporting a display of 256×256-pixel black-and-white bitmap.

The hardware system operated on a vertical integration model. It had its own operating system which at the time was called the System Software. The System Software is what we currently call the Mac OS.

The price during that time ranged between $1,995 to $2,49 due to the disliked marketing promotion.

MacBook Pro 14-in & 16-in M3

On the 7th of November, Apple released their latest MacBook Pro M3. The price range began at $1,599.

The latest 14-in MacBook Pro survives on the M3 chips and an M3 Apple Silicon chip for the 16-in. The model comes with multiple RAM capacities. The other special feature is the latest colors that were introduced which are space black and the dark aluminum color. The special design allows for limited fingerprint stains on the MacBook itself.

I can’t even remember what life was like before the Macintosh but then again, I was born in 1995. In 40 years, we went from calling it a Macintosh to MacBook. It went from having one color to multiple colors. The design became better by the day and so are the features. In 40 years owning a MacBook is a necessity.

The only reason why the MacBook has survived 40 years is because an Apple a day keeps the doctor away.

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