Inside Telecom Staff

We’re a diverse group of industry professionals from all corners of the world. Our desire is to provide a high-quality telecoms publication that caters to an international market, offering the latest and most relevant telecoms information to businesses, entrepreneurs and enthusiasts.

Digital banking platform making headway in Africa

The first Angolan digital banking platform DUbank, is set to be inaugurated at the beginning of 2020 with an initial investment valued at $12 million. Sérgio Hirose, Executive Director at DUbank, claimed that all the legal requirements stipulated by the National Bank of Angola have already been fulfilled. The only item remaining was the endorsement […]

A rising demand for digital talent in the Middle East

2020 is well underway and consumer habits in the MENA region are changing more rapidly than ever before. The demand for digital has never been higher. Consumers in the region require variety, speed and a flawless experience. It is becoming increasingly harder for businesses to secure the right talent to develop the best solutions. The […]

Smart City IoT project to help transform lives of pupils

School children from Edinburgh in Scotland have been challenged to come up with creative ways of using new technologies to combat issues and help change their hometown into a Smart City as part of a unique partnership with local business and organisations. CityFibre, the City of Edinburgh Council, and the University of Edinburgh’s Data Education […]

Google 4Q revenue grew, but not enough for Wall Street

By BARBARA ORTUTAY AP Technology Writer SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Google’s revenue grew, but Wall Street wanted more. Parent company Alphabet‘s stock fell more than 4% after financial results came out Monday, even as profits rose 19% and beat expectations for the last three months of the year. Helped by lower taxes, Alphabet said Monday […]

Latin America’s growing mobile and tech ecosystem

By 2023, mobile’s contribution to the Latin American economy will reach just over $300 billion as countries increasingly benefit from the continued uptake of mobile services and the associated improvements in productivity and efficiency. Latin America’s growing mobile and tech ecosystem is providing support to the wave of innovation and initiative dominating the region. IoT […]

WHO working with Google to combat virus misinformation

By JAMEY KEATEN Associated Press GENEVA (AP) — The World Health Organization is working with Google to ensure that people get facts from WHO first when they search for information about the new virus that recently emerged in China. Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told the opening of WHO’s executive board meeting on Monday that social […]

Are telecom operators’ efforts to go green, realistic?

Sometimes, when operators boast their go green intentions, it can often leave industry watchers a little open mouthed. Perhaps there is something questionable about a multibillion-dollar company using huge amounts of resources and energy whilst getting excited about the no print policy in their headquarters. However, environmental efforts of operators are progressing and starting to […]

The 3 most commonly believed tech myths - busted!

The amazing research team at have taken a look at the world of tech ‘mythsteries,’ just to see what false facts the public really believes. In order to do so, they created a master list of well-known tech nonsense as well as some things that may have been true at some point, but are not […]

In fight to survive, US dairy farmers look for any tech edge

By IVAN MORENO Associated Press PICKETT, Wis. (AP) — At Rosendale Dairy, each of the 9,000 cows has a microchip implanted in an ear that workers can scan with smartphones for up-to-the-minute information on how the animal is doing — everything from their nutrition to their health history to their productivity. Feed is calibrated to […]

Facebook fights spread of misinformation about virus online

By DAVID KLEPPER The Associated Press Facebook says it’s working to limit the spread of misinformation and potentially harmful content about the coronavirus as bogus claims about the ongoing outbreak circulate online. Kang-Xing Jin, Facebook’s head of health, announced that the social media platform will begin removing posts that include false claims or conspiracy theories […]