Inside Telecom Staff

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Virtual cards transactions to reach $6.8 trillion by 2026

While MedTech, digitization, and remote working have sucked up the entirety of the technological limelight during the highs and lows of the COVID-19 pandemic, a sleeping giant has also been growing in the background. That sleeping giant: contactless technologies. We have used forms of the technology in a plethora of ways, to ordering food and […]

Casa Systems Extends Collaboration with Red Hat to Drive 5G Adoption

Casa Systems, Inc. a leading provider of physical and cloud-native infrastructure technology solutions for wireless, cable and fixed broadband networks, announced on Friday the general availability of its Axyom™ 5G multi-access core as a vendor validated cloud-native digital service enablement platform for Red Hat OpenShift, the industry’s leading enterprise Kubernetes platform. With Casa Systems converged […]

Industrial 5G early adopters already witness improved operations

According to “Accelerating the 5G Industrial Revolution: State of 5G and edge in industrial operations” report released by the Capgemini Research Institute, industrial 5G adoption is still at the ideation and planning stages, with only 30 percent of industrial organizations having moved to the pilot stage or beyond.   This means there is a huge window of opportunity for telcos and those […]

U.S. authorities seize Iran-linked news websites

The U.S. department of Justice announced on Tuesday that it has blocked various major Iranian state-linked news platforms accused of spreading disinformation. The move comes as a form of retaliation of previous claims made by Washington that the sites have been attempting to influence the American elections, with many pundits arguing that it will intensify […]

Opera’s VPN service suspended in Russia

Opera web browser has halted support of its VPN services in Russia late last week, after the country’s telecoms and media regulator Roskomnadzor (RKN) passed new restrictions that hinder its operations. “In accordance with the regulation on responding to threats to circumvent restrictions on access to child pornography, suicidal, pro-narcotic and other prohibited content, restrictions […]

Axiata, Telenor merge mobile operations in Malaysia for $15.8 bn

Malaysia-based telecoms operator Axiata Group announced on Monday a merger with Norwegian telco Telenor for amount of $15.8 billion, in a bid to bring together their mobile operations under one roof within the country. “The signing today signifies a confirmation of the intent to establish a commercially stronger and more resilient digital converged service provider, […]

Telekom provides Germany with 5G at a rapid pace

While Telekom is keeping up the pace in 5G rollout, the network can now be received on the 3.6 gigahertz (GHz) frequency in around 50 cities. With more than 1,800 antennas, Telekom was transmitting on this frequency as of June 14th 2021. It enables peak speeds of over one gigabit per second. The newly added […]

Norton Adds New Privacy Features for more Control of Personal Information

NortonLifeLock, a global leader in consumer Cyber Safety, announced on Monday new and expanded privacy offerings to help people keep their sensitive information more private and take control of the information shared about them online. More than half of consumers globally don’t know how to protect their online privacy, leaving many defenseless to cybercriminals, according […]

Digital reliance fosters security side effects, survey finds

Security today announced the results of a global survey examining consumers’ digital behaviors during the pandemic, as well as their potential long-term impact on cybersecurity. With society becoming increasingly accustomed to digital-first interactions, the study found that preferences for convenience often outweighed security and privacy concerns among individuals surveyed – leading to poor choices around […]