Ahmad El Hajj

PhD holder with over 10 years of experience in wireless communication systems, e-health informatics, and computer networks and a passion to investigate and educate people recent topics in artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, and biomimetics.

Rising Cybersecurity Tactics from the Russian-Ukrainian Crisis: A Prelude to a Global War?

Contrary to general belief, cyberattacks were much older than the internet itself. The first incident, which can be qualified as a cyberattack, took place nearly two centuries ago when a pair of thieves hacked France’s telegraph wireline communications system and stole some important financial information. Since then, the evolution of telecommunication systems has been accompanied […]

Dissecting the Birth of e&: When Vision and Ambition Meet Opportunism

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been witnessing consecutive waves of changes to the various constituent sectors shaping its economy. As part of its vision for decades to come, the gulf state is looking to secure a futureproof resilient strategy by unlocking potential economic growth opportunities that will allow different sectors to change, progress, and […]

5G: A Chunky Rough Diamond Waiting to be Polished

Needless to say, 5G is the hype of the moment, not only among operators but also among big tech companies, industries, and governmental organizations. To the large audience, 5G is a Formula 1 car with the most advanced technological innovations. It is a precious stone of the highest quality. Yet, 5G clearly hasn’t achieved what […]