Mounir Jamil

Junior social media strategist with a degree in business. Passionate about technology, film, music and video games.

Innovation in India booming amid pandemic

Innovators and entrepreneurs in India have quickly responded to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic as innovation in India has soared in recent weeks with several start-ups emerging that are incubated by universities. Social distancing and contact tracing have become buzzwords in response to COVID-19 around the world. A specific problem after lockdown measures […]

New VR video demonstrating COVID-19 Resuscitation Techniques

A digital design specialist from the Annenberg School for Communication has successfully created a 360-degree VR video demonstrating COVID-19 treatment procedures to prepare medical staff that are in remote locations to respond to emergency cases. VR is a fully immersive technology that can benefit medical personnel by generating 3D, interactive environments in settings that are […]

Transparent smart mask allows emotional expression

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, face masks have become an essential part of daily life. However, the masks that we use have stolen a profound way of connecting with others. A person’s facial expression is one of the most important aspects of communication. The typical fabric or paper masks end up concealing our identities and […]

New feature on Google Maps aids in the fight against Coronavirus

A new feature on Google Maps now allows for users to get around safely during the Coronavirus pandemic. More than 11 million people have contracted the virus worldwide, and almost 500,000 have died according to the Johns Hopkins University. Countries worldwide have adopted different restrictions depending on the severity of the outbreak, which has caused […]

The effects of COVID-19 on finance

The current pandemic has plummeted the world into a state of emergency, the economy is losing its balance and company leaders are walking a tight rope. Governments have put together rescue packages that must now reach businesses that need help the most. Although the full extent of the effects of COVID-19 on finance remains unclear, […]

A look into the effects of COVID-19 on travel

Amid the current pandemic, the effects of COVID-19 on travel are significant. Very few industries have fallen as hard and as fast as the tourism industry. Trying to study the data of tourism losses is quite difficult as the information is as volatile as the virus. If the pandemic continues to spread for several more […]

COVID-19 Effects on Cinema Industry

The ongoing pandemic has caused uncertainty and worry about the future of the arts. Despite the gradual lifting of lockdown measures, COVID-19 will continue to impact our film-viewing behavior and other economic decisions around it. People will most likely stay away from cinemas and film theatres to avoid crowded places and large gatherings. This will […]

COVID-19 impacts on the environment - not all positive

As the number of COVID-19 cases increased in Europe and North America during March, restrictive public health measures to avoid a worse pandemic were put in place. Measures included stay-at-home-orders, which were quickly adopted all across the world. As entire populations were ordered to quarantine and self-isolate, COVID-19 influences on environment were very noticeable at […]

COVID-19 Impacts on Higher Education

The rapid spread of the coronavirus outbreak has undoubtedly impacted higher education. In recent weeks, education officials have cancelled classes and closed campuses across the world in response to COVID-19. Furthermore, institutions have switched to online learning, and have encouraged foreign students studying abroad, to return home to complete their studies. Even if class closures, […]

The healthcare industry - responding to change after COVID-19

As the current pandemic continues spreading, MedTech leadership aims to respond to changes after COVID-19 that are tied directly to the health crisis. Demand for urgent care equipment and supplies is far exceeding the production capacity. With healthcare experts warning of possible critical shortages of medical supplies, manufacturers are gearing up to meet the rise […]