easyJet’s New AI to Streamline Flight Operations

easyjet, flight operations, ai

AI is now playing a crucial role at easyJet’s Integrated Control Center as it improves flight operations.

  • The generative AI tool predicts crew requirements, recommends optimal allocations, plans routes, and suggests maintenance schedules.
  • The airline is planning to equip crew members with AI tools and implement real-time communication software on aircraft to cut journey times and emissions.

easyJet has integrated AI into its new Integrated Control Centre (ICC) to significantly streamline its flight operations.

The AI facility houses over 250 specialists who meticulously plan and execute the daily operations of around 2,000 flights.

Johan Lundgren, easyJet’s Chief Executive, stressed how important the ICC is right now with the summer season, notorious for its high air travel demand, approaches. He remarks, “At easyJet, we saw the potential early on for data to improve customer experience and operational efficiency which could help us provide a better flying experience for our customers, crew, and pilots.”

The generative AI tool, dubbed Jetstream, aids in predicting standby crew requirements, recommending optimal crew allocations, planning routes, suggesting aircraft maintenance schedules, and even enhancing in-flight services by predicting food and beverage needs. It minimized technical delays and made the operations more reliable. A prime example of its efficiency is how it unlocked additional seating capacity, which cheapened the fares and ensured the flights were full. Almost all the preparations for a smooth flight across the lands and seas.

The British low-cost group is looking toward expanding the AI’s capabilities, with plans to equip crew members with AI tools in the coming months. They are also studying how to implement new software on aircraft to facilitate real-time communication with air traffic control. If successful, it will reduce journey times and emissions.

When you are not worried about pieces of your plane flying off in the air, you start to notice just how often airlines make mistakes. Now and then, they’ll lose and/or damage your luggage, and they’ll overbook their flights. Sometimes, the weather, mechanical issues, or air traffic control problems may ground the planes. In those cases, the staff will have to rebook or compensate the passengers, a tedious affair if you have a full flight on your hands.

Such issues in flight operations, which make an already stressful affair dreadful, could be resolved with AI or even avoided altogether. Wouldn’t that be the dream for the frequent traveler? There won’t be a need to show up at the airport two hours before the flight.

You would still place an AirTag or some other tracker in your luggage to track its journey, but out of reassurance rather than paralyzing anxiety. You won’t be fighting with some old petulant lady over your seat because the airline estimated that you would cancel and double-book your seat. Just as smooth of a flight as there can be.

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