Google Includes Minimum OS Requirement for Play Store Apps

Google rolled out a new update to the Play Store that informs users of the required or minimum Android OS version a device needs to meet to complete an app’s installation. 

The Play Store version 29.2.13 includes a new line item called “Android OS” under “App Info,” showing the minimum supported version.  

Each Android app needs to identify the “minimum Android version” and “target Android version,” having the minimum version identifying the oldest Android version that an app supports. In contrast, the target version indicates the intended Android version for which the app was built for.  

In addition, the iOS-style indicators are a line item detectable on the Google Play Store alongside Version, Updates On, Download, Offered By, Released On, and App Permissions.  

Even if it was the first time this line appeared on Android phones, Google has long been displaying the minimum OS requirement on the web version of the Play Store.   

While this information has been available on the web version of Google Play Store for some time now, Google just started showing it in the Play Store app. To access it, open an app listing in the Play Store app, click on “About this app,” and then scroll to the bottom. “Android OS” should be listed under the “App info” section alongside app version, downloads, and app permissions.  

By default, the Play Store only shows you apps that can run on your device, so for example, if you’re rocking an Android 5.0 device and an app targets Android 6.0, Play Store won’t show that app to you.  

Google Play Store added last month a new “Offer” tab in the bottom bar that gives users a roundup of deals and discounts across apps, games, movies, and books in one place. Offers are displayed on major cards. Also, now, the Play Store lets you find Android TV and Wear OS apps right from the comfort of your smartphone.