Search results for "passwords"

Joe Fizor, TBI Lead Solutions Engineer and Tech Guru

How will 5G impact enterprise mobility in 2021?  5G will be a source of additional redundancy and diversity to company networks, providing much higher bandwidth and throughput. From a mobile perspective, 5G will allow several variations that need to be considered, such as 5G narrowband which will be great for IoT devices. End users looking […]

Cybersecurity trends in 2021: Learning from a harsh year

This year has been unlike any other in living memory, barely any aspects of our lives have been spared by the impact of the worst public health crisis in decades. The worldwide COVID-19 pandemic shifted the way we lead our day-to-day, laying bare to our collective fragility, while greatly heightening our sense of uncertainty. The […]

Employee blamed for Absa data breach

Absa, a Johannesburg-based financial services company, has revealed that one of its employees has leaked data pertaining to some of its South African customers – which include client ID numbers, bank account numbers, credit card numbers and mobile phone numbers – to several third parties in return for payment. “The employee has unlawfully made selected […]

From tangible to intangible: The impact of digital IDs

Technology has made it a point to transform the tangible into the intangible. Online banking services and the rise of Fintech is slowly making our economies cashless, the Internet of Things (IoT) is giving us easier, and more seamless control over the every day items around us, and artificial intelligence (AI) has allowed a few […]

Cybersecurity in telecoms - now needed more than ever

It comes as no surprise that the telecoms industry ranks among the worst in handling and fighting cybersecurity. Although telcos have made immense leaps in protecting their networks and customers, the weak link resides among its employees and executives who poorly manage their passwords and access to their data. Almost 43 percent of telecom companies […]

2020 racks up highest number of cyberattacks to date

In a year where companies far and wide shifted their business to remote operations due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it comes as no surprise that cyberattacks and data breaches have drastically increased during 2020. According to a report published by Kaspersky there have been almost 726 million confirmed cyberattacks since the beginning of the year; […]

Hungarian Magyar Telekom hit with brief cyberattack

A number of Hungarian banks and telecom infrastructures fell victim to a major cyberattack originating from servers in Russia, China, and Vietnam over the weekend, according to a statement by Magyar Telekom. The hack was under the form of a distributed-denial-of-service (DDoS), where hackers attempted to overwhelm the Hungarian telecom firm’s network with a massively […]

Software provider to state and local governments hacked

A major provider of software services to state, county and local governments, including the online publishing of election results, told customers Wednesday that an unknown intruder broke into its phone and information technology systems. Tyler Technologies, a Plano, Texas-based S&P 500 company, said in an email to customers that it discovered the breach Wednesday morning, […]

Automated cybercrime: fighting fire with fire

The shift to remote work through digital innovation has prompted concerns about information security. With the growing scale, speed and efficiency of today’s artificial intelligence tools, automated cybercrime is on the rise. One misconception that is all too commonly heard is that cyber criminals may have no reason to target certain individuals. Most people aren’t […]

FBI investigating COVID-19 data breach in South Dakota

RAPID CITY, S.D. (AP) — The FBI is investigating a data breach that may have compromised the identity of people with the COVID-19 virus in South Dakota. Paul Niedringhaus, who directs the South Dakota Fusion Center that handles emergency calls, sent a letter to people who may have been affected by the June 19 breach, […]