Search results for "ai tasks"

The Future of AI in Telecom Industry: Vision 2030 Edition

2022 ended on a high note for Artificial intelligence (AI) when ChatGPT took the world by storm. But AI was not a game-changer for liberal arts alone. It absolutely took the telecom industry by surprise and had experts redefine and redesign what was already there. In addition, it is also setting Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 […]

Big Tech and AI: A Match Made in the Matrix

In light of Microsoft’s recent expensive investment in OpenAI after their generative artificial intelligence (AI) ChatGPT went viral, everyone is wondering how the game has changed since Big Tech giants set the rules for the rest of us. OpenAI is a startup company specializing in artificial intelligence research to promote and develop friendly AI to […]

AI Is Everywhere! It's Catching up!

What started as a fantastic concept in the first half of the 20th century quickly became a part of humans’ daily lives, from home to work and everywhere. In 1950, Alan Turing proposed the possibility of computing machinery to emulate human learning, now known as “machine learning” (ML). However, it wasn’t until five years later […]

Analysis: Retailers Turn to Robots in Cost Inflation Fight

At a vast warehouse in the southern Dutch city of Roosendaal, automated cranes and driverless vehicles silently stack clothes for the French and Italian stores of retailer Primark, reducing the need for hard-to-come-by labour. With goods packed more densely up to its roof, the new warehouse, which spans the size of over 15 football fields, […]

There Is No Saving Lives Through AI in Medtech Without Human Touch

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have taken root in every sector imaginable, especially in medical technology (medtech). Through ML and AI in medtech, the rate at which healthcare providers saved lives increased. However, the technology is redundant without the human touch, and the road to recovery is difficult to navigate.   AI means imitating […]

Google Imagen AI Image Generator in a Nutshell

Google is coming into the AI-image generator space, and its coming in storm. Google is releasing its text-to-image AI algorithms with utmost caution. Google hasn’t made the system accessible to the general public, despite the fact that the company’s Imagen model generates results comparable – if not surpassing – in quality to OpenAI’s DALL-E 2 […]

Telecom Giants Aiming for Peak Fintech Adoption

Financial innovations are happening globally, with telecom companies aiming to be critical players and thrive alongside and by utilizing fintech solutions and finding a footing in the fintech space. Experts note that the shift into digital aspects will be permanent. Smartphones currently power financial services and payments, allowing access to revitalized data, embracing technological innovations, […]

Higher Ed Chatbot: AI Game Changer

Created by Joseph Weizenbaum in 1966, ELIZA was the first chatbot of its kind. The technology underwent several modifications and adjustments. Modern chatbots are powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI), such as Apple’s Siri, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Samsung’s Bixby. This innovation integrated itself into the daily life of the average man up to the point we […]

Top 9 AI Marketing Tools to Scale Your Business

Artificial intelligence (AI) tools are now widely used in marketing and almost any other industry you can think of. Companies of all sizes use the best AI marketing solutions to promote their brands and enterprises and scale their efforts exponentially. Using AI-powered marketing tools should be a component of your business strategy whether you’re a […]

Why Cloud Calling Needs a Touch of AI

Revenue Intelligence Platforms Elevate Sales Teams’ Success According to Salesforce, simple tasks like data entry and paperwork once took up so many hours that sales teams only spent one third of their time actually making sales. But times are changing. By sprinkling a little artificial intelligence (AI) and automation into the mix, it’s possible to […]