Search results for "Intel"

Behind in quantum computer race, Germany gets boost from IBM

IBM on Tuesday unveiled one of Europe’s most powerful quantum computers in Germany, boosting the country’s efforts to stay in the race for what’s considered a key technology of the future. Quantum computers use subatomic particles to get around the limitations of traditional physics and perform calculations at far higher speeds than even the fastest […]

Robotic ship sets off to retrace the Mayflower's journey

Four centuries and one year after the Mayflower departed from Plymouth, England, on a historic sea journey to America, another trailblazing vessel with the same name has set off to retrace the voyage. This Mayflower, though, is a sleek, modern robotic ship that is carrying no human crew or passengers. It’s being piloted by sophisticated […]

Want a job? Employers say: Talk to the computer

A day after her interview for a part-time job at Target last year, Dana Anthony got an email informing her she didn’t make the cut. Anthony didn’t know why — a situation common to most job seekers at one point or another. But she also had no sense at all of how the interview had […]

Critical entities targeted in suspected Chinese cyber spying

A cyberespionage campaign blamed on China was more sweeping than previously known, with suspected state-backed hackers exploiting a device meant to boost internet security to penetrate the computers of critical U.S. entities. The hack of Pulse Connect Secure networking devices came to light in April, but its scope is only now starting to become clear. […]

Google Announces Google Workspace for Everyone

Google announced on Monday a series of updates that build upon its vision to deliver a single, integrated communication and collaboration solution to everyone via Google Workspace. Now, all of the company’s three billion-plus existing users across consumer, enterprise, and education have access to the full Google Workspace experience, including Gmail, Chat, Calendar, Drive, Docs, […]

Apple reaffirms privacy stance amid Trump probe revelations

Seeking to protect its image as a guardian of personal privacy, Apple maintains it was blindsided and handcuffed by a Trump administration probe that resulted in the company handing over phone data from two Democratic congressmen. Apple delivered its version of events Friday in response to news reports detailing the U.S. Justice Department’s aggressive attempts […]

US drops Trump order targeting TikTok, plans its own review

The White House dropped Trump-era executive orders intended to ban the popular apps TikTok and WeChat and will conduct its own review aimed at identifying national security risks with software applications tied to China, officials said Wednesday. A new executive order directs the Commerce Department to undertake what officials describe as an “evidence-based” analysis of […]

Man and machine: What AI is and what it is not

Intelligence is a hard thing to define. You have street smarts, book smarts, and the ever-present colloquial term emotional intelligence, and of course the dreaded intelligence quotient or IQ. However, we must place a marker somewhere to establish what we are talking about. For the sake of not exceeding a word count of ten thousand […]

Biden's AI czar focuses on societal risks, preventing harm

Computer scientist Lynne Parker made breakthroughs in getting robots to work together so they could perform difficult missions, like cleaning up after a nuclear disaster, waxing floors or pulling barnacles off a ship. Her job now is getting the U.S. government working together — alongside American businesses, research universities and international allies — as director […]

In post-pandemic Europe, migrants will face digital fortress

As the world begins to travel again, Europe is sending migrants a loud message: Stay away! Greek border police are firing bursts of deafening noise from an armored truck over the frontier into Turkey. Mounted on the vehicle, the long-range acoustic device, or “sound cannon,” is the size of a small TV set but can […]