Search results for "ai risks"

U.S. Congress Passes Long-awaited Bill to Boost Chipmakers, Compete with China

The U.S. House of Representatives passed sweeping legislation on Thursday to subsidize the domestic semiconductor industry as it competes with Chinese and other foreign manufacturers, a victory for President Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats hoping to keep their slim majority in Congress in November midterm elections. The final vote was 243 to 187, with […]

Tata Motors Aims to Sell 50,000 EVs in This Fiscal Year

Tata Motors aims to sell about 50,000 electric vehicles (EVs) in the fiscal year to March 31, and double that in the 2023/24 period, Chairman N Chandrasekaran told a shareholders’ meeting on Monday. In 2021/22, Tata Motors sold 19,105 EVs, a growth of 353 percent from the previous fiscal year. Chandrasekaran also said that his […]

How AI Can Take Businesses to the Next Level

Data is undoubtedly the central player in today’s business world. The different markets have reached a level of competitiveness that companies have been looking for the killer idea or even the best understanding of the market that will provide it with a competitive edge. Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral component in the operations […]

Britain Proposes Safety Net Against Failing Stablecoins

Britain’s finance ministry set out plans on Tuesday for adapting existing rules to deal for any major stablecoin collapses, such as with TerraUSD this month. It is the latest sign of how regulators are trying to catch up with fast-moving developments in crypto markets which straddle national borders. “Since the initial commitment to regulate certain […]

India's Top Crypto App CoinSwitch Calls for Regulatory 'Peace, Certainty'

India must establish rules on cryptocurrencies to resolve regulatory uncertainty, protect investors and boost its crypto sector, CoinSwitch CEO Ashish Singhal said on Sunday. Although India’s central bank has backed a ban on cryptocurrencies over risks to financial stability, a federal government move to tax income from them has been interpreted by the industry as […]

Shanghai Residents Turn to NFTs to Record COVID Lockdown, Combat Censorship

Shanghai residents are turning to the blockchain to preserve memories of the city’s month-long COVID-19 lockdown, minting videos, photos and artworks capturing their ordeal as non-fungible tokens to ensure they can be shared and avoid deletion. Unable to leave their homes for weeks at a time, many of the city’s 25 million residents have been […]

Smart Cities Sustainable Technologies

Planet Earth, a captivating and bountiful big blue marble, roaming in space. A Terra we call home. Yet, as humans, we tend to have detrimental and catastrophic environmental effects in ways exceeding expectations on our homeland. Effects that elicited disastrous climate issues and urbanization are one of them. This issue prompted the creation of intelligent […]

Zain Kuwait, and the Urgent Need to “Globalize” the Local Identity

Zain is undoubtedly one of the pillars of the telecom sector in the Middle East and North Africa. The story started in 1983 with the establishment of the Mobile Telecommunications Company (MTC), in a time where digital mobile communications was still being developed with mostly predominant fixed telephony. MTC soon became among the first providers […]

China Says Will Help Key Industries Resume Work in Locked-Down Shanghai

China said on Friday that it will help hundreds of companies in key sectors to resume production in locked-down Shanghai, the commercial capital at the centre of the country’s latest COVID-19 outbreak, as businesses warn of the growing economic toll of restrictions. The announcement comes as a growing number of business leaders and analysts warn […]

Yellen Says U.S. Crypto Rules Should Support Innovation, Manage Risks

U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said on Thursday crypto asset regulations should support responsible innovation while managing risks, sticking to the contours of a recent White House executive order that was well-received by the crypto market. In a speech on digital assets policy released by the Treasury, Yellen said that in many cases regulators already […]