Search results for "smartphones"

Facilitators of Open Banking Financial Inclusion

One of the world’s most widespread problems lies within the boundaries of one of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to reduce inequalities, namely SDG 10. Financial exclusion’s transformation to become a goal birthed new equalities of opportunities and availabilities to access financial services, or as more commonly known, financial inclusion. The endless opportunities brought […]

A View of the Future: UAE’s Financial Ecosystem

The world is intensifying its adoption of digital means to conduct its finances. The accelerated use of the Internet and smartphones has impacted the burgeoning of digital banking and any financial ecosystem. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is no stranger to transforming one of its primal sectors’ frameworks as the financial sphere becomes increasingly technologically […]

Exploring the Next Generation of SIM Technology

What’s an iSIM, and Why Should I Know About It? While embedded SIM cards (eSIMs) are still gaining traction, the next generation of subscriber identification module is coming to the fore. Integrated SIM, or iSIM, is the next step in the move away from physical SIM cards offering connectivity benefits for both consumer and IoT […]

How Software Defined Mobile Networks Reshaped Telecom

Mobile communication was introduced in the 1980s. The first generation of mobile networks supports only voice call services, and the connectivity speeds up to 56 kbps. However, mobile network technology achieved tremendous development during the last four decades, notably with Software Defined Mobile Networks (SDMN), a software defined networks sub-section. The Limitations of Software Defined […]

The Ministry of Science and Technology (Ethiopia) Fights Back

A humanitarian crisis is taking place in the Horn of Africa. The shadow of the worst drought in decades is about to take the lives of millions. Ethiopia, Somalia, and Kenya struggle to find enough food to eat. Millions have fled their homes, especially after the prediction of a dry raining season. This famine is […]

MyMonty: A Banking Arm for the Underserved

“MyMonty is a life project. Building a bank is a very complex endeavor. It will become the flagship of the Monty Finance brand. This means added responsibility while focusing on the team’s passion and accepting challenges wholeheartedly,” Cesar Jabr, Deputy CEO, Monty Holding What is MyMonty’s scope of activity? The financial company’s sole focus is […]

Sci-Fi and the Future

Sci-Fi movies are a pillar of pop culture. You probably reference scenes from these movies daily. In previous eras, movies related to Sci-Fi and the future gained traction and popularity. Such movies made bold claims and introduced techs and gadgets that they hoped would be a reality in the future. Well, the events of one […]

The Future of Telcos in Advertising

In the age of information and the attention economy, the advertising industry is experiencing major changes. The Meta (Facebook) share drop might mark the beginning of great change coming to the advertising industry, and telecom companies might be at the center of it all. The pursuit of digital advertising by telcos is not a new […]