Search results for "AI society"

ChatGPT 5: Calm Your Nerves, Everyone 

Can machines think, communicate, and assist us in our daily tasks just like humans? Yes, it’s not science fiction anymore. With ChatGPT 5, a powerful language model developed by OpenAI, we’re witnessing a groundbreaking revolution that can potentially transform numerous industries. But hold on, Before you start worrying about job losses, biases, or diminishing creativity, […]

Neural Head Avatar Technology for Meetings

Virtual reality and digital avatar technology are redefining online identity by shifting the focus from physical appearance to personality traits and achievements. Colleagues gather around a virtual table, each sporting their own unique avatar head. Flames flicker on dragon heads, and wise owls perch on shoulders. Did I make the picture clear in your head […]

7 Must-Watch Tech Documentaries That Will Blow Your Mind! 

Demystify the world of technology with the best tech documentaries, bridging the gap between generations and showcasing the wonders of the digital realm! “I just don’t get all this tech stuff. Can you explain it to me?” If you’re a Gen Z, how many times have your parents hit you with this question? If you’re […]