Search results for "us government "

UK launches new tech watchdog to boost competition against Big Tech

The UK government launched on Wednesday a new tech watchdog that will help make sure tech giants, such as Facebook and Google, cannot exploit their market dominance to crowd out competition and stifle innovation. The Digital Markets Unit (DMU), based in the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), will oversee plans to give consumers more choice […]

ING: Pandemic creates “white swan” moment for green banking

A new global survey of companies and institutional investors commissioned by ING, the multinational banking and financial services corporation, shows the pandemic, as a ‘white swan’ moment – perhaps an unintended positive outcome – which has accelerated the majority of companies’ green banking and financial services corporation plans. At the same time, investors are demanding […]

Biofuels producers, farmers not sold on switch to electric

The president and auto industry maintain the nation is on the cusp of a gigantic shift to electric vehicles and away from liquid-fueled cars, but biofuels producers and some of their supporters in Congress aren’t buying it. They argue that now is the time to increase sales of ethanol and biodiesel, not abandon them. To […]

Corporations gave over $50M to voting restriction backers

When executives from Coca-Cola and Delta Air Lines spoke out against Georgia’s new voting law as unduly restrictive last week, it seemed to signal a new activism springing from corporate America. But if leaders of the nation’s most prominent companies are going to reject lawmakers who support restrictive voting measures, they will have to abruptly […]

Facebook removes accounts tied to Iranian exile group

Facebook said Tuesday it has removed hundreds of fake accounts linked to an Iranian exile group and a troll farm in Albania. The accounts posted content critical of Iran’s government and supportive of Mujahedeen-e-Khalq, a dissident group known as MEK. In many cases, the Facebook and Instagram accounts used fake profile names and photos. Facebook […]

EXPLAINER: What Biden's new $100B plan for broadband means

The problems with U.S. broadband networks have been obvious for years. Service costs more than in many other rich nations, it still doesn’t reach tens of millions of Americans and the companies that provide it don’t face much competition. Now the Biden administration is promising to do something about all of those issues as part […]

World leaders call for pandemic treaty, but short on details

More than 20 heads of government and global agencies called in a commentary published Tuesday for an international treaty for pandemic preparedness that they say will protect future generations in the wake of COVID-19. But there were few details to explain how such an agreement might actually compel countries to act more cooperatively. World Health […]

GOP lawmakers take aim at Arizona renewable energy standards

As states across the U.S. West beef up their renewable energy requirements, a push to do so in Arizona has been met by fierce resistance from the Republican governor and GOP-dominated Legislature, which are looking to strip elected utility regulators of their power to set energy policy in one of the nation’s sunniest states. Utilities […]

EXPLAINER: What's a SPAC, the latest craze on Wall Street?

WeWork will finally go public this year, allowing investors to buy and sell its shares. But not through a traditional IPO. In the two years since the office-sharing company’s failed IPO, a new way to launch a stock on Wall Street has become fashionable: SPACs. Special purpose acquisition companies have been embraced by big institutions […]