Search results for "Elon Musk"

Why History May Treat Elon Musk More Kindly Than We Do

Neuralink and Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs) Whilst the world is busy figuring out how humans will remain relevant in an AI world, this new technology called BCI has emerged which will increase productivity, re-enable the physically challenged and bring the human brain closer to its assumed potential. Obviously, there’s a paradoxical hurdle in the preceding […]

Elon Musk’s Future Vision: You Cook, a Computer Does the Dishes

Last week, Elon Musk disagreed with Rishi Sunak about the future. “We’ll soon be in an age of abundance,” he told the Prime Minister. His metaphor about cooking and washing dishes was a quite sublime way of assuring the world the rise of AI in the workplace would not mean the death of creativity and […]

Israeli Minister of Communications says Israel will prevent Elon Musk from providing internet to relief organizations in Gaza

Upon Elon Musk’s announcement, offering internet conectivity to aid oragnization in Gaza, Israel responded that it will work on prevent any attempt from Starlink’s CEO, Elon Musk, in providing communications and internet connection to humanitarian aid organization in Gaza, such as UN agencies. The Communications Minister threatened to sever all communications with Starlink. Inside Telecom […]