Search results for "European Commission "

NYC Aims to Be First to Rein in AI Hiring Tools

Job candidates rarely know when hidden artificial intelligence tools are rejecting their resumes or analyzing their video interviews. But New York City residents could soon get more say over the computers making behind-the-scenes decisions about their careers. A bill passed by the city council in early November would ban employers from using automated hiring tools […]

After Beijing, Washington, EU unleash Big Tech regulation crusade

With the exponentially mounting tension between the U.S. and China, and each powerhouse launching its own Big Tech regulation crusade against homegrown giants, the U.S., and Europe have finally concluded how to target legion’s ever-growing supremacy. Both continental forces have finally taken their final stance regarding American tech chiefs, with the European Union (EU) having […]

Hate speech in Myanmar continues to thrive on Facebook

Years after coming under scrutiny for contributing to ethnic and religious violence in Myanmar, Facebook still has problems detecting and moderating hate speech and misinformation on its platform in the Southeast Asian nation, internal documents viewed by The Associated Press show. Three years ago, the company commissioned a report that found Facebook was used to […]

Google’s appeal on $2.8 billion fine refused by EU General Court

Europe’s antitrust regulators marked their biggest win on Wednesday after Google lost an appeal on a $2.8 billion for attempting to monopolize shopping services while downgrading competitors’ services. The win signaled the European Commission’s first major triumph against one of the Big Tech giants out of three key court rulings aimed at heightening regulations on […]

Europe bolsters pioneering tech rules with help from Haugen

European lawmakers have pioneered efforts to rein in big technology companies and are working to strengthen those rules, putting them ahead of the United States and other parts of world that have been slower to regulate Facebook and other social media giants facing increasing blowback over misinformation and other harmful content that can proliferate on […]

Australia regulator demands face-scanning firm delete photos

An Australian privacy authority has ordered facial recognition company Clearview AI to stop scanning the faces of Australians and destroy the images and related data it has already collected. It’s the latest challenge for the New York startup that has angered privacy advocates around the world over its practice of “scraping” photos from social media […]

Facebook to shut down face-recognition system, delete data

Facebook said it will shut down its face-recognition system and delete the faceprints of more than 1 billion people amid growing concerns about the technology and its misuse by governments, police and others. “This change will represent one of the largest shifts in facial recognition usage in the technology’s history,” Jerome Pesenti, vice president of […]

An "eraser button"? Focused ideas could help bridle Big Tech

Break up Big Tech? How about shrinking the tech companies’ shield against liability in cases where the content they push to users causes harm? Or creating a new regulator to strictly oversee the industry? Those ideas have captured official attention in the U.S., Europe, U.K. and Australia as controversy has enveloped Facebook — which on […]

Facebook grilled by UK lawmakers making online safety rules

British lawmakers grilled Facebook on Thursday over how it handles online safety as European countries move to rein in the power of social media companies. Facebook’s head of safety said the tech giant supports regulation and has no business interest in providing people with an “unsafe experience.” Representatives from Google, Twitter and TikTok also answered […]

Energy crunch hits global recovery as winter approaches

Power shortages are turning out streetlights and shutting down factories in China. The poor in Brazil are choosing between paying for food or electricity. German corn and wheat farmers can’t find fertilizer, made using natural gas. And fears are rising that Europe will have to ration electricity if it’s a cold winter. The world is […]