Search results for "machine-learning "

The Future of AI in Telecom Industry: Vision 2030 Edition

2022 ended on a high note for Artificial intelligence (AI) when ChatGPT took the world by storm. But AI was not a game-changer for liberal arts alone. It absolutely took the telecom industry by surprise and had experts redefine and redesign what was already there. In addition, it is also setting Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 […]

There Is No Saving Lives Through AI in Medtech Without Human Touch

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have taken root in every sector imaginable, especially in medical technology (medtech). Through ML and AI in medtech, the rate at which healthcare providers saved lives increased. However, the technology is redundant without the human touch, and the road to recovery is difficult to navigate.   AI means imitating […]

Top 9 AI Marketing Tools to Scale Your Business

Artificial intelligence (AI) tools are now widely used in marketing and almost any other industry you can think of. Companies of all sizes use the best AI marketing solutions to promote their brands and enterprises and scale their efforts exponentially. Using AI-powered marketing tools should be a component of your business strategy whether you’re a […]

Categorical Data in Machine Learning

Machine learning has made strides in various fields. It has served as a method to catalyze work and promote efficiency. Including machine learning in your work operations can help reduce human error, automate mundane tasks, and increase safety. Organizations can implement machine learning techniques to help with data management. Categorical data in machine learning can […]

How to Build Machine Learning Applications

Machine learning applications have become such a prevalent part of out lives that we barely notice them in our daily lives anymore. Whether asking Siri for the best burger place around us or getting music recommendations on Spotify, ML is everywhere. As an aspiring developer, you might be wondering how to build machine learning applications […]

Post Quantum Crypto Algorithms: Fortifying the Future

As we know by now, quantum computing is set to change the dynamics in terms of the global technological revolution and modernization of computing power. A technological colossal that is set to change how information is encrypted and data are processed. Quantum computing is not something that is easily comprehended, and the science behind it […]

Why Self-Driving Cars are Still Unsafe?

Car production has been moving from petrol-based cars to electric vehicles with the main aim of fighting climate change by reducing CO2 emissions. The autopilot feature by Tesla in 2014 has been a notable improvement in advanced driver assistance systems taking the autonomy in cars to level 2 on the self-driving car scale out of […]

The Use of AI as a Biometric Age Verification Tool

The world of artificial intelligence (AI) hasn’t stopped surprising us. As AI algorithms are evolving towards the ultimate target of mimicking the learning process in the human brain, increasingly sophisticated applications are emerging. Lengthy procedures, complex operations, and data-intensive decision-making problems are gradually being replaced by AI-based automated paradigms that try to learn from the […]

What Reaching the Size Limit of the Transistor Means for the Future

The advances in computing and communications wouldn’t have been possible without the transistor. This small semiconductor device invented at Bell Labs in 1947, has allowed the proliferation of integrated circuits, the core element in any hardware component. The latest semiconductor shortage is a clear reflection of the important place it has in current technologies. Over […]