Search results for "ai training"

Password Management in Network Security

When it comes to ensuring the highest levels of cybersecurity for any establishment, password management in network security is one of the most paramount factors in guaranteeing security. As one of the essential cybersecurity measures, password management is a critical element for any online activity, whether for software or hardware. Everything is protected with a […]

Microsoft – Activision Blizzard Deal Faces Antitrust Probe in the UK

Mergers, acquisitions, and partnerships have been lately considerably increasing in numbers. The notably fast evolution in technology has pushed big technology companies (techcos) and most recently telecom companies (telcos) to look for avenues to spearhead the competition into adopting emerging concepts and practices. The scale of such events and the significantly large amounts spent in […]

The Industrial Metaverse and Digital Twins

Since Facebook announced it is rebranding to Meta, the long-forgotten concept of the Metaverse, which first appeared in 1992 in the novel “Snow Crash”, has suddenly become the talk of the town. The concept of the Metaverse is fascinating to say the least, for all the good and bad reasons. It is no longer a […]

The Link Between Video Games and Mental Health

The link between games and mental health is not an obvious one, but many gamers can attest to the effectiveness of some types of video games when it comes to improving or aiding in their mental health struggles. There’s nothing like spending a few hours isolated from the outside world, just you and you’re in […]

The Central Role of Telecom Operators in the Metaverse

The digital world has been witnessing intermittent events that change how we interact, access information, complete our daily activities, and basically live our daily life beyond our physical connections. Probably the first prominent introduction was the Internet and the world wide web in the nineties. The next awaited event is the advent of the Metaverse, […]

Advantages of Speech Recognition in Language Learning: When Benefits Go Beyond Literacy  

While the world is still exploring the beneficial effects of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms, speech recognition is considered to be one of the pillars for some time now. Machine learning has been studied extensively in optimizing speech recognition for a variety of applications. Teaching and learning, auto-dictation, speech to text transcription and […]

Let Them Eat Cheese

Bo-Jo is wrong, working from home does work “My experience of working from home is you spend an awful lot of time walking very slowly to the fridge, hacking off a small piece of cheese, then walking very slowly back to your laptop,” said Prime minister Boris Johnson. Worryingly, he’s not the only person to […]

Tech Firms say India Cyber Rules Risk Creating 'Environment of Fear'

Indian cybersecurity rules due to come into force later this month will create an “environment of fear rather than trust”, a body representing top tech companies has warned the government, calling for a one-year delay before the rules take effect. The Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI), which represents firms including Facebook, Google and […]

Applications of Augmented Reality in Construction

How can augmented reality be used in the construction industry, a field that has maintained relatively similar technology over the past decades? 3D printing and modular building are new trends in some types of construction, but what does the application of augmented reality in construction look like? In a world of rapid digital transformation and […]

Boosting Subscribers and Maximizing Budgets: Why Your Cybersecurity Strategy Should Extend to Ad Fraud

The rise of remote working and cloud-based environments has triggered important conversations about cybersecurity in telecoms. Robust security training is a guarantee in organizations concerned about the repercussions of fraud to their subscribers, employees, and budgets. Tools like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have also seen huge amounts of investment from telcos to […]