Search results for "us government "

Exclusive-U.S. Probes China's Huawei over Equipment Near Missile Silos

The Biden administration is investigating Chinese telecoms equipment maker Huawei over concerns that U.S. cell towers fitted with its gear could capture sensitive information from military bases and missile silos that the company could then transmit to China, two people familiar with the matter said. Authorities are concerned Huawei could obtain sensitive data on military […]

House Panel's Bill Would Block U.S. Buyers of Foreign Spyware

American spymasters would be able to yank business away from U.S. companies that purchase or market foreign espionage software, under a bill the House Intelligence Committee advanced on Wednesday. The bill must be approved by the full House and reconciled with its Senate counterpart before it becomes law. It follows media reports that Israeli spyware […]

How Technology is Steering us Towards Digital Totalitarianism

Social media, the internet, and other digital tools, which were once hailed as great forces for human empowerment, connectivity, and liberation, have quickly come to be seen as a serious threat to democratic stability and human freedom. Social media platforms are demonstrating the potential to exacerbate risks such as authoritarian privacy violations, partisan echo chambers, […]

Microsoft – Activision Blizzard Deal Faces Antitrust Probe in the UK

Mergers, acquisitions, and partnerships have been lately considerably increasing in numbers. The notably fast evolution in technology has pushed big technology companies (techcos) and most recently telecom companies (telcos) to look for avenues to spearhead the competition into adopting emerging concepts and practices. The scale of such events and the significantly large amounts spent in […]

CIA Using Instagram to Teach Russians How to Share State Secrets

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has tested the U.S. geopolitical caliber and superiority as a globally renowned powerhouse. With Russia’s condemning intrusion on Ukraine’s sovereign dominion, the U.S. played the field through economic sanctions against Russia to force some influence on Russian President Vladimir Putin. Yet, in March, it appeared that the U.S. decided to […]

The Use of AI as a Biometric Age Verification Tool

The world of artificial intelligence (AI) hasn’t stopped surprising us. As AI algorithms are evolving towards the ultimate target of mimicking the learning process in the human brain, increasingly sophisticated applications are emerging. Lengthy procedures, complex operations, and data-intensive decision-making problems are gradually being replaced by AI-based automated paradigms that try to learn from the […]

Australian Retail Giants Targeted in Facial Recognition Tech Complaint

A major consumer group has referred three of Australia’s biggest retail chains to the privacy regulator, saying they use “unreasonably intrusive” facial recognition technology on customers and recommending enforcement action. CHOICE, in a complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) published on Monday, said use of the technology at JB Hi-Fi Ltd’s […]

The Knock-on Effect of Police Use of Facial Recognition

For the police, the use of facial technology in a technologically accelerated world is nothing but a means to optimize their internal operations to deliver a more safeguarded environment, conduct faster investigations, and catch criminals. But for the public, the police use of facial recognition is a cause of concern in terms of a potential […]

U.S. Senators Press TikTok on Whether it Allows Russian 'Pro-War Propaganda'

Republican senators on Friday asked TikTok Chief Executive Shou Zi Chew about reports the social media site had allowed Russian state-approved media content but barred other videos. “Recent reports indicate TikTok… has allowed Russian state media to flood the platform with dangerous pro-war propaganda. No company should find itself in the position of amplifying the […]