Search results for " 6G"

Overview of the Role of Gaming in the Metaverse

The series of advancements happening in the metaverse can serve as an announcement for the people to know that the switch to the metaverse is not a matter of if but simply a matter of when. While every sector is figuring out how to jump into the metaverse, one industry has it all figured out. […]

Biden Administration Looks to Free up Wireless Spectrum for Advance Technology Needs

The Biden administration on Wednesday is launching an effort to identify significant wireless spectrum that can be repurposed for advanced technology needs and soaring U.S. wireless demand. The Commerce Department’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) is developing a National Spectrum Strategy with a goal to identify at least 1,500 megahertz of spectrum to study […]

What’s Tomorrow like for Wireless Communication

Applications for intelligent terminals are growing, including those for smart cities, smart transportation, virtual reality, and augmented reality. The various needs mean that 5G networks still need to be enhanced. However, the exploration and use of upcoming 6G networks still heavily depend on effectively utilizing the resources. A new era of the Internet of everything would begin […]

Telcos in the Metaverse: World Domination

As slow as its development has been, the Metaverse is on its way to greatness. If you are struggling to wrap your head around this concept, here’s another way to think about the Metaverse: it’s a 3D rendering of earth where we, humans, go to live another life emulating the one we already are living. […]

India’s 5G Needs to Catch Up

India has been preparing to introduce 5G for years, but delays have kept happening. According to the most recent information, the implementation should be finished before March 2023 if the government has its way in the current round of frequency auctions. That depends on a lot. The government has consistently overpromised when addressing the 5G […]

Telecom Events 2022: The Groundwork for a Booming 2023

2022 was a booming year for telecom conventions and events as the world became more comfortable with the new normal set by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, everyone was trying to get back into the swing of things. Throughout 2022, several telecom events brought experts and enthusiasts up to speed on what is going […]

5G and the Metaverse: Powering the New Social Connections

Despite multiple tech giants working on it, the metaverse has yet to arrive in all its virtual glory. In addition, the fifth generation of mobile networks (5G) has yet to be adequately adopted worldwide due to the public being satisfied and content with 4G. But once the metaverse is deployed, 5G adoption will skyrocket as […]

Can This Deal Save 5G?

As part of an “essential step towards 5G,” networking behemoth Ericsson has been awarded a five-year contract by Deutsche Telekom to lay the foundations for its mobile network. Ericsson will update Deutsche Telekom’s 2G, 3G, and 4G networks with a multi-standard solution. The Swedish telecommunications company will provide its multi-standard radio access network as part […]

Advancements Everywhere All at Once: Wifi 6 Edition

The world is moving full steam ahead, picking up speed with every new invention, innovation, and iteration. As of 2020, Wifi 6 (also known as 802.11ax) was officially certified and made its way into the mainstream. Wifi 6 vs 5G is an essential discussion that experts are having as the new generations of both innovations […]

Top Connectivity and Telecom Trends to Expect in 2023

The year 2023 is upon us. It promises new and improved technology to take us deeper into the digital age. 2022 was a hallmark in the industry, from the 5G rollout to artificial intelligence (AI) popularization. In fact, we are ending the year in a controversial tone as artists and writers worldwide worry about their […]