Search results for "X"

Monty Mobile’s Show ID

Monty Mobile is on a quest to provide its userbase with the right tools to carry out control over mobile services, while meeting and exceeding any form of basic services. With the Show ID application, all calls conducted with contacts and companies will be synchronized, registering all calls made or received on the app. Show […]

Telia Eesti 5G network reaches 77 regions in Estonia

Estonian Telecom Telia Eesti announced last week that it’s 5G network is currently available in 77 locations across 14 main cities within the country.  Telia Eesti — one of the Baltic region’s main telecom suppliers and subsidiary of Swedish provider Telia — revealed that it’s planning to invest more in the construction of 5G.  By the end of the year, the Estonia-based company plans to expand the new generation mobile network to more than 100 locations, including various county centers.  Currently, Telia’s 5G […]

AI bot detects and shames Belgian MPs glued to phones

Belgian digital artist called Dries Depoorter launched earlier this month an AI bot called “The Flemish Scrollers” that automatically catches, and tags members of the Federal Parliament glued to their phones during parliamentary proceedings.   Using artificial intelligence and facial recognition, the software calculates how long the politician spends on their phone, all while broadcasting the session and results on YouTube.   Those figures are automatically […]

Snapchat’s growth records all time high after 4 years of drought

Snapchat, the social media application that everyone used back in the day just rose back from its pitfall.  From its inception in 2011, the messaging application was the first to introduce the concept of pictures and messages being only available for a short period of time before becoming inaccessible to recipients.   Ten years later, and the wondrous little app is witnessing its […]

Tech cash cow: embedded finance to reach $138bn by 2026

There has never been a time where technology has been such a cash cow more than now; especially with the emergence of embedded finance within every corner of almost every app we use day-in and day-out.   All of us at some points have used embedded finance whenever we use a service on our phone. For those who aren’t familiar […]

Priest outed via Grindr app highlights rampant data tracking

When a religious publication used smartphone app data to deduce the sexual orientation of a high-ranking Roman Catholic official, it exposed a problem that goes far beyond a debate over church doctrine and priestly celibacy. With few U.S. restrictions on what companies can do with the vast amount of data they collect from web page […]

Kaseya gets master decryption key after July 4 global attack

The Florida company whose software was exploited in the devastating Fourth of July weekend ransomware attack, Kaseya, has received a universal key that will decrypt all of the more than 1,000 businesses and public organizations crippled in the global incident. Kaseya spokeswoman Dana Liedholm would not say Thursday how the key was obtained or whether […]

Protests erupt in India's Parliament over spyware scandal

India’s Parliament erupted in protests on Tuesday as opposition lawmakers accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government of using military-grade spyware to monitor political opponents, journalists and activists. The session was disrupted repeatedly as opposition lawmakers shouted slogans against Modi’s government and demanded an investigation into how the spyware, known as Pegasus, was used in India. […]

Vidme embeds porn on news websites after domain purchase

A flood of hardcore pornographic content has spread like wildfire on Thursday showing up on news websites after a company called 5 Star Porn HD bought the expired domain for video hosting site Vidme, which went out of business in 2017.  This means that any websites with Vidme embeds now have pornographic content being displayed across their pages including prominent news websites such as The Washington Post, New York Magazine, Huffington Post, and other major sites.  The websites immediately started deleting the pornography from […]

Jack Dorsey announces Bitcoin plans for Twitter

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey confirmed to investors the significant role Bitcoin will play in the platform’s future by planning to incorporate cryptocurrency into the company’s current products and services. Dorsey has been a die-hard Bitcoin advocate since its inception into the market, but now the world is witnessing his commitment to cryptocurrency as he plans […]