Search results for "ai risks"

Myth busting: Are contactless payments safe?

The COVID-19 pandemic has made us more inclined toward digital payments, shying away from the exchange of hard currency due to our newfound hygiene awareness; it is here that contactless payments have quickly become the new norm. In Europe, Germans are increasingly ditching cash for hygiene reasons, according to Initiative Deutsche Zahlungssysteme e.V, a payment […]

Joe Fizor, TBI Lead Solutions Engineer and Tech Guru

How will 5G impact enterprise mobility in 2021?  5G will be a source of additional redundancy and diversity to company networks, providing much higher bandwidth and throughput. From a mobile perspective, 5G will allow several variations that need to be considered, such as 5G narrowband which will be great for IoT devices. End users looking […]

Cybersecurity trends in 2021: Learning from a harsh year

This year has been unlike any other in living memory, barely any aspects of our lives have been spared by the impact of the worst public health crisis in decades. The worldwide COVID-19 pandemic shifted the way we lead our day-to-day, laying bare to our collective fragility, while greatly heightening our sense of uncertainty. The […]

Harnessing the power of Big Data

In today’s digital economy, data is king of the hill. Data has transformed into valuable capital that fuels the production of digital goods and services. Just as automakers can’t manufacture new vehicle models without the necessary financial capital, it can’t make its cars autonomous if it lacks the data to feed the onboard algorithms. Data […]

Online fraud off the charts during 2020

This year has been filled with a plethora of cyberattacks targeting businesses, governments, and individuals across the board, as they take on different shapes and forms, spanning a multitude of industries and sectors. According to U.S.-based software company Arkose Labs, almost 1.1 billion cyber-attacks were detected and halted during 2020 so far, which represent double […]

From tangible to intangible: The impact of digital IDs

Technology has made it a point to transform the tangible into the intangible. Online banking services and the rise of Fintech is slowly making our economies cashless, the Internet of Things (IoT) is giving us easier, and more seamless control over the every day items around us, and artificial intelligence (AI) has allowed a few […]

Huawei has lost the UK telecoms market

A week ago, Huawei had hoped to shine again in the UK telecom market. Unfortunately, this dream is deemed ever-more unrealistic. It is clear now that the United Kingdom is moving forward with its intent to remove Huawei from its core 5G network.  Recently, Huawei Vice-President Victor Zhang commented on the UK decision over removing […]

UK telecom companies face big fines under new security law

Telecom companies in Britain face hefty fines if they don’t comply with strict new security rules under a new law proposed in Parliament on Tuesday that is aimed at blocking high-risk equipment suppliers like China’s Huawei. The Telecommunications (Security) Bill tightens security requirements for new high speed 5G wireless and fiber optic networks, with the […]

The global fight to regulate 5G is happening right now

Almost everywhere you look, there’s a story about 5G and its impact on humanity from every conceivable aspect. The fifth generation of mobile networks has dominated tech headlines far and wide, where every telco, tech news outlet, and private tech firm has flooded the Internet with 5G content as far as the finger can click. […]