Search results for "ai risks"

Time to start taking cybersecurity more seriously

Cyberattacks across the world have drastically increased, while most of them don’t dominate headlines – such as the Adobe or Equifax breaches – hackers have targeted companies of all sizes seeing that business digitization is on the rise due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With the world transforming into a data-fueled reality, the risks become larger, […]

Risk Mitigation: What it is and how to implement it?

One of the major aspects that most businesses tend to put behind their backs is risk management and mitigation. It is a serious matter that cannot be ignored at any cost. Los Angeles IT consulting recommends being proactive about risk management and get started with risk mitigation so that any threat to the business can […]

US safety agency seeks input on autonomous vehicle rules

The U.S. government’s road safety agency is asking for public comment on how it should regulate safe deployment of self-driving vehicles. Seeking public comment is an early step in drawing up possible regulations, but that process takes years and could be changed by the incoming administration of President-elect Joe Biden. About 60 companies are already […]

Huawei: Renewed hope for 5G expansion plans

Trump’s administration sanctions on Huawei has put the company under challenges. The United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany, Australia, Japan among others decided to stop working with the Chinese telecom giant. However, Huawei has shown greater optimism after Joe Biden wins US presidential election. “When there is a change in government, there is always the opportunity to […]

Apple to cut app store fees as legal scrutiny intensifies

Apple will cut its app store commissions in half for most developers beginning next year amid an intensifying debate about whether the iPhone maker has been using the fees to unfairly fatten its profits and stifle rivals competing against its own music, video, and other subscription services. The concession announced Wednesday will lower Apple’s commissions […]

Telco cybersecurity: preserving customer trust as new technologies edge closer

Telecoms operators are vulnerable to cyberattacks around the world, mainly due to their critical national and international roles in infrastructure and communication, while possessing heaps of sensitive data from their large clientele.  Almost 43 percent of telecom companies have suffered from DNS-based malware in 2019 alone, noting that a staggering 81 percent of these companies […]

Security by design principles: shaping the future of IoT

The main difference between the Internet of Things (IoT) from the traditional Internet is people.  IoT doesn’t rely on human intervention and interaction to function, but rather does so using smart sensors that collect, communicate, analyze and act based on the information it’s processing, which opens waves of value toward businesses.  Simply put, more information […]

EU agrees on tighter rules for surveillance tech exports

The European Union on Monday agreed to tighten up rules for the sale and export of cybersurveillance technology. EU lawmakers and the European Council reached a provisional deal to update controls of so-called dual use goods such as facial recognition technology and spyware to prevent them from being used to violate human rights. Under the […]

Net neutrality complications amid the pandemic

As governments around the world rush to deploy digital tools against Covid-19, it is evident that several of the assumptions around internet rights and governance are being overlooked. While privacy risks have garnered significant attention, we must not lose sight of other fundamental issues that govern the functioning of the internet. Regulators around the world […]

Tesla 'full self-driving' vehicles can't drive themselves

Earlier this week, Tesla sent out its “full self-driving” software to a small group of owners who will test it on public roads. But buried on its website is a disclaimer that the $8,000 system doesn’t make the vehicles autonomous and drivers still have to supervise it. The conflicting messages have experts in the field […]