Search results for "IT"

Turkey unveils space program including 2023 moon mission

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan unveiled an ambitious 10-year space program for his country Tuesday that includes missions to the moon, sending Turkish astronauts into space and developing internationally viable satellite systems. Erdogan announced the program, seen as part of his vision for placing Turkey in expanded regional and global role, during a live televised […]

Huawei founder sees no end to US sanctions

The founder of Huawei said Tuesday he doubts President Joe Biden will remove U.S. sanctions that battered the telecom equipment giant’s smartphone sales but expressed confidence the company can survive. Speaking in the central city of Taiyuan, Ren Zhengfei said strong sales of network gear and other technology should make up for Huawei’s weaker handset […]

UN experts: North Korea using cyber attacks to update nukes

North Korea has modernized its nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles by flaunting United Nations sanctions, using cyberattacks to help finance its programs and continuing to seek material and technology overseas for its arsenal, U.N. experts said. The panel of experts monitoring sanctions on the Northeast Asian nation said in a report sent to Security Council […]

Fourteen services for CSPs to look for in an open marketplace

“Open” and “Innovation” unfortunately have been transformed into widely used buzzwords that are likely to generate eye rolls from Communications Service providers (CSPs) who are repeatedly bombarded with marketing messages that are hard to decipher. Open and Innovation in name alone do not address the challenges and opportunities CPSs face every day. According on one […]

Internet access restored as Myanmar coup protests grow

As enthusiastic crowds of tens of thousands marched through the streets of Myanmar’s biggest city on Sunday to protest last week’s coup ousting Aung San Suu Kyi’s elected government, their spirits were lifted by the return of internet services that had been blocked a day earlier. Separate protests that began in various parts of Yangon […]

India restores 4G mobile internet in Kashmir after 550 days

India ended an 18-month-long ban on high speed internet services on mobile devices in disputed Kashmir, where opposition to New Delhi has deepened after it revoked the region’s semi-autonomy. The order late Friday lifted the ban on 4G mobile data services However, the order issued by the region’s home secretary, Shaleen Kabra, asked police officials […]

China gives approval for broader use of Sinovac vaccine

China has given broader approval for the domestic-made Sinovac coronavirus vaccine, expanding those who can receive it beyond the high-risk and priority groups already allowed under an emergency clearance. Regulators gave conditional approval for Sinovac Biotech Ltd’s shot, CoronaVac, on Friday, clearing the way for general use, The National Medical Products Administration announced in a […]

Google contemplates softer take on App Tracking Transparency

Google is contemplating developing an Android version of Apple’s upcoming App Tracking Transparency update, which is a newly planned opt-in requirement the iPhone maker will force on developers to ask permission from iPhone users before tracking their data. The news – first brought to light by Bloomberg – highlights the increased spotlight placed on online […]

Virtual events industry expected to rise to $774 trillion by 2030

Companies, businesses, and brands have all taken their events into the realm of cyberspace with no signs of slowing down, as the world continues to face the woes of the global health pandemic. As such, waves of startups and SMEs that are helping people create and participate in those experiences are witnessing a surge in […]