Search results for "IT"

Musk: Apple CEO didn't take meeting about buying Tesla

Tesla CEO Elon Musk says he once considered selling the electric car maker to Apple, but the iPhone maker’s CEO blew off the meeting. In a tweet Tuesday, Musk said he reached out to Apple CEO Tim Cook “to discuss the possibility of Apple acquiring Tesla (for one-tenth of our current value). He refused to […]

Myth busting: Are contactless payments safe?

The COVID-19 pandemic has made us more inclined toward digital payments, shying away from the exchange of hard currency due to our newfound hygiene awareness; it is here that contactless payments have quickly become the new norm. In Europe, Germans are increasingly ditching cash for hygiene reasons, according to Initiative Deutsche Zahlungssysteme e.V, a payment […]

What we know about the new strain of COVID-19 so far

A new strain of COVID-19 has been identified in the UK, jolting countries around the world to attention. Across Europe and the world, countries are halting all direct flights to the UK in fear of a new variant of the virus named B.1.1.7. The new strain is reported to be present in Australia, the Netherlands […]

Joe Fizor, TBI Lead Solutions Engineer and Tech Guru

How will 5G impact enterprise mobility in 2021?  5G will be a source of additional redundancy and diversity to company networks, providing much higher bandwidth and throughput. From a mobile perspective, 5G will allow several variations that need to be considered, such as 5G narrowband which will be great for IoT devices. End users looking […]

Report: Social media manipulation affects even US senators

The conversation taking place on the verified social media accounts of two U.S. senators remained vulnerable to manipulation, even amid heightened scrutiny in the run up to the U.S. presidential election, an investigation by the NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence found. Researchers from the center, a NATO-accredited research group based in Riga, Latvia, paid […]

Hacked networks will need to be burned 'down to the ground'

It’s going to take months to kick elite hackers widely believed to be Russian out of the U.S. government networks they have been quietly rifling through since as far back as March in Washington’s worst cyberespionage failure on record. Experts say there simply are not enough skilled threat-hunting teams to duly identify all the government […]

COVID-19 highlights the importance of preventive care

The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted our perspective on health and lifestyle; making people more aware of the need to learn about preventive care to reduce the risk of diseases, disabilities and death. According to studies, Europeans spend less on healthcare than the average American – not because of better self-restraint in resisting the urge for […]

Riding the African FinTech Safari

Over the past few years, Africa has become a hotbed for FinTech across the board, gulping up investments higher than any other sector on the continent. This is a natural occurrence, as 66 percent of Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) remains unbanked, these innovative financial startups have mushroomed all over to meet the rising demand for financial […]

API-First : Automating and Accelerating Carrier-to-Carrier Interconnection

Network-centric businesses across the globe are adapting how they consume connectivity and transforming the way their partners interconnect and grow through network Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). Control is being placed back into their hands allowing them to create a solid foundation for faster, more agile and friction-free networking models that no longer limit innovation. Legacy […]

Telia Carrier Embraces Coherent Pluggables using Acacia’s OpenZR+ Modules and Cisco Routers

Telia Carrier announced today that it is preparing to converge their IP and optical networking layers to simplify their networks. Using Acacia’s 400G coherent modules that are plugged directly into Cisco routers, this architecture will enable Telia Carrier to address increasing bandwidth demand while significantly reducing both capital and operational expenditures. Historically, scaling and operating […]