Search results for "COVID-19 "

Personal finance robots gain people’s trust, survey finds

Thus far, a cinematic horror-show of wealth-destroying, dysfunctional robots, is not quite a reality – or at least not yet.  It seems people, or rather banking service consumers, trust personal finance robots more than themselves to manage their money, according to a new study by Oracle and personal finance expert Faroosh Torabi, and host of the “So Money” podcast. The study of more than 9,000 consumers […]

Why would the Tanzanian government refuse the vaccine?

The east African country of Tanzania has been in a precarious situation since the beginning of the pandemic. Many families have lost loved ones due to the virus, yet government officials still deny that Covid-19 is a danger, and most recently even refuse the vaccine. Now, the country’s health authorities and president refuse to obtain […]

Google, Hologic partner up to bolster ML in digital diagnostics

As the COVID-19 global pandemic has put an emphasis onto the digital health sector, investments are continuously pouring in to further grow the bridge between technology and medicine; and Big Tech are starting to notice. Search engine giant Google is looking to get part of the action, by partnering up with U.S.-based medical technology company […]

UN experts: North Korea using cyber attacks to update nukes

North Korea has modernized its nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles by flaunting United Nations sanctions, using cyberattacks to help finance its programs and continuing to seek material and technology overseas for its arsenal, U.N. experts said. The panel of experts monitoring sanctions on the Northeast Asian nation said in a report sent to Security Council […]

China gives approval for broader use of Sinovac vaccine

China has given broader approval for the domestic-made Sinovac coronavirus vaccine, expanding those who can receive it beyond the high-risk and priority groups already allowed under an emergency clearance. Regulators gave conditional approval for Sinovac Biotech Ltd’s shot, CoronaVac, on Friday, clearing the way for general use, The National Medical Products Administration announced in a […]

Virtual events industry expected to rise to $774 trillion by 2030

Companies, businesses, and brands have all taken their events into the realm of cyberspace with no signs of slowing down, as the world continues to face the woes of the global health pandemic. As such, waves of startups and SMEs that are helping people create and participate in those experiences are witnessing a surge in […]

The FCC is under-funding Reagan's Lifeline program - why Americans need it now more than ever

When President Ronald Reagan created the Lifeline program 35 years ago to help low-income Americans with subsidized telephone services, few could have predicted just how lifesaving it would become. Under normal circumstances, access to the internet is essential to participating in today’s economy. During the global pandemic, however, this access has become a literal lifeline […]

Renewable energy surpasses fossil fuels in EU during 2020

Renewables overtook fossil fuels to become the European Union’s main source of electricity for the first time in 2020, according to a joint study done by British and German think tanks Ember and Agora Energiewende respectively, released this week. “Renewables rose to generate 38 percent of Europe’s electricity in 2020 (compared to 34.6 percent in […]

“Long-COVID” imaging tech receives UK approval

As the world is still dealing with the effects of the novel COVID-19 virus, many who have contracted and recovered from the disease are still experiencing ongoing symptoms months later. Described as “Long-COVID,” a large study – which hasn’t been peer reviewed – conducted by Patient Led Research – a group of long COVID patients […]

IMF: Vaccines will power 5.5% global economic growth in 2021

The spread of COVID-19 vaccines will power a stronger global economic recovery in 2021, the International Monetary Fund forecast Tuesday. After sinking 3.5% in 2020, the worst year since World War II, the global economy will grow 5.5% this year, the 190-country lending organization predicted. The new figure for 2021 is an upgrade from the […]