Search results for "us government"

Is Cybersecurity a Low Priority in Lebanon?

Three hacking incidents in Lebanon this month have raised serious concerns about what sort of priority is being placed on the need for cybersecurity. On the 7th of January, video screens at Rafiki Hariri Airport replaced standard airport information with threats to Hezbollah. Two baggage carousels stopped working. And MEA (Middle East Airlines) passengers were […]

Google And Chile to Build an Underwater Fiber Optic Cable

In an unprecedented move, the Chilean government and Google have announced plans to construct a 14,800-kilometer subsea fiber optic cable called Humboldt cable . The Humboldt project is a cable that will directly connect Asia, Oceania, and South America. It will connect Sydney, Australia, to Valparaiso, Chile. The Humboldt cable, which has a capacity of […]