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EXPLAINER: California's net neutrality law springs to life

More than three years ago, Trump-era regulators killed federal net neutrality regulations designed to prevent AT&T, Comcast, Verizon and other major internet providers from exploiting their dominance to favor certain services or apps over others. In response, seven states and Puerto Rico enacted their own net neutrality policies. The most expansive effort of this sort […]

Judge rejects ex-CIA worker's try to dismiss hacking charges

A former CIA employee cannot get espionage charges against him dismissed on the grounds that there weren’t enough Hispanic or Black individuals on the grand jury that indicted him, a judge ruled Wednesday. U.S. District Judge Paul A. Crotty issued his ruling in the case against Joshua Schulte, finding that there was nothing illegal about […]

Intel announces Arizona expansion as chipmaker seeks footing

Intel announced Tuesday it will build two new factories in Arizona and outsource more of its production as a new CEO looks to turnaround the struggling chipmaker. The California-based company says the Arizona expansion will cost about $20 billion and create 3,000 permanent jobs as Intel builds a foundry business to provide chips for other […]

Report: Extremist groups thrive on Facebook despite bans

A new outside report found that Facebook has allowed groups — many tied to QAnon, boogaloo and militia movements — to glorify violence during the 2020 election and in the weeks leading up to the deadly riots on the U.S. Capitol in January. Avaaz, a nonprofit advocacy group that says it seeks to protect democracies […]

China slams US plan to expel phone carriers in tech clash

China’s government on Thursday called on Washington to drop efforts to expel three state-owned Chinese phone companies from the United States in a new clash over technology and security. The Federal Communications Commission voted Wednesday to begin revoking the companies’ U.S. licenses. It said they are security risks controlled by the communist Beijing government. The […]

Australian police boss suggests app to prove sexual consent

A senior Australian policeman suggested on Thursday a phone app be developed to document sexual consent in a bid to improve conviction rates in sex crime cases. New South Wales state Police Commissioner Mick Fuller said dating apps have brought couples together and the same technology could also provide clarity on the question of consent. […]

Lawyer says authorities disregarded Huawei exec's rights

The actions of Canadian and American authorities during the arrest of a senior executive for Chinese communications giant Huawei Technologies “spanned the spectrum from negligence to casual indifference” of her rights, defense lawyers told an extradition hearing Wednesday. Canada arrested Meng Wanzhou, the daughter of Huawei’s founder and the company’s chief financial officer, at Vancouver’s […]

'It's exhausting.' A year of distance learning wears thin

At first, many schools announced it would last only a couple weeks. A year later, the unplanned experiment with distance learning continues for thousands of students who have yet to set foot back in classrooms. Comfortable homes and private tutors have made it easier for those with access. Expectations are higher at some schools than […]

U.S. judge lifts CCMC ban on Xiaomi

A U.S. federal judge rolled back on a Department of Defense ban on investments in Chinese budget smartphone maker Xiaomi, citing insufficient evidence that the company posed a national security threat. On Friday, U.S. District Judge Rudolph Contreras said that the court had found the Department of Defense (DoD) had “not made the case that […]