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£2,300 a Minute. That’s what UK Scammers are Costing you.

The UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) have issued an alarming report for the first eight months of 2023. They’ve received 7700 complaints of scammers trying to swindle the British public. And it’s costing the country £2,300 a minute. How do they do it? By pretending to be the FCA, actually. They call you. And it’s […]

The Latest Weapon in the War on Dementia. Socks.

The University of Exeter in Devon, England, has been developing smart sock technology. This is to help those who suffer from dementia. These socks collect data from the wearer, which is then sent by wifi to an app. Whoever has the app can see real time data which includes heart rate, temperature, sweat rates and […]