OpenAI’s new deal with the Financial Times allows its AI data trainers to use archived content for the AI models.
OpenAI is facing a privacy complaint from the group NOYB, which claims the company failed to correct erroneous information generated.
Turkish Aeronautical Association University is integrating AI in its project to monitor the activity in space.
Saudi Arabia, with the largest investment in AI in the Middle East, is set to bolster its economy and make its mark on the global stage.
Meta, currently going through a decline in shares during trading despite expected earnings. This is being dubbed as the fall of Meta.
Google Search chief Raghavan warned employees about the shifts ahead to maintain competitiveness in the new AI search engine landscape.
With the support of investors, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman is investing in Exowatt, which promises green energy solutions for the AI sector.
Apple announced on Monday the acquisition of French AI startup, Datakalab, as the giant further pushes efforts in the field.
AI-driven protein design company Profluent has created OpenCRISPR-1, the first gene editor that AI models have crafted.
Intel has introduced Hala Point, a new neuromorphic system to advance brain inspired AI with a processing speed of up to 20 quadrillion.