Ethical Tech

MIT removes famous AI dataset due to distasteful image branding

Earlier this week, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) removed the 80 Million Tiny Images dataset used to train machine learning systems in distinguishing individuals under the pretense that it uses racist and misogynistic labels to identify people.  On Monday, the technology institute published a letter on its Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) website, […]

Google’s wielded location data goes to Geofence warrants

As a prologue to the search engine’s plans to conjointly work with the government, Google announced on Thursday that it received around 20,000 geofence warrants from U.S. authorities, portraying a conceptualization on how these warrants are wielded into the system. Geofence warrants, or as alternatively referred to as reverse-location warrants, are a controversial modern concept. […]