Generation Z digital natives, born between 1997 and 2012, are tech-savvy but their online confidence often lacks safe cybersecurity habits.
Gen Z
Gen Z has faced criticism at work due to high stress levels, but the reality is decidedly more complicated than ageism in tech.
Gen Z shopping habits are shaped, in no small part, by TikTok and Instagram ads and influencers, a KPMG report finds.
The use of the Internet has differed from generation to generation, resulting in changes in engagement on various Internet platforms.
Explore the harmful effects of stereotyping and how the new generation can dismantle these biases for a more inclusive world.
Learn how telecoms SPs can meet Gen Z customers expectations. Strategies such as personalization can keep Gen Z happy and loyal.
In the ongoing discourse surrounding the mental health of Gen Z, the impact of technology and social media remains a point of contention.
Flexibility will be Key to Keeping your Next Cohort of Colleagues Happy Watch out — Gen Z is about to take over the office. Born between 1997 and 2012, the new generation of employees is entering the workforce. And they’re causing quite a stir. Favouring a better work-life balance over typical priorities, like salary, businesses […]