
Relativity Space Launch Largest Ever 3D-Printed Spacecraft

Relativity Space could revolutionise space travel with 3D printing. Relativity Space launched its Terran 1, an entirely 3D-printed rocket, from Launch Complex 16 in Cape Canaveral, Florida last Wednesday night. Standing at 110 ft. tall and 7.5 ft. wide, Terran 1 is the largest 3D-printed object to attempt orbital flight. As a two-stage, expendable rocket, […]

U.S. To Test Nuclear-Powered Spacecraft by 2027

The United States plans to test a spacecraft engine powered by nuclear fission by 2027 as part of a long-term NASA effort to demonstrate more efficient methods of propelling astronauts to Mars in the future, the space agency’s chief said on Tuesday. NASA will partner with the U.S. military’s research and development agency, DARPA, to […]

Nasa’s UFO Panel Convenes to Study Unclassified Sightings

A first-of-its-kind panel organized by NASA opened a study on Monday of what the government calls “unidentified aerial phenomena,” commonly termed UFOs, bringing together experts from scientific fields ranging from physics to astrobiology. The 16-member panel, convened with little fanfare, will focus its inquiry entirely on unclassified sightings and other data collected from civilian government […]

China Successfully Launches a Pilot Reusable Spacecraft - State Media

China successfully launched a pilot reusable spacecraft with its Long March-2F carrier rocket on Friday, state media CCTV reported. The unidentified spacecraft, which was launched from China’s Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, will return to a planned landing site after operating in the orbit for some time to provide technical validations for reuses, CCTV said. China […]